
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Hindwing eight times longer than width at its broadest point
Stathmopoda pedella (STATMOPODIDAE)
10.0-14.0mm. Early June to mid August. Forewing ochreous yellow with three irregular dark brown fasciae and dark brown streak along costa.
Hindwing distinctly broader
2 (1)
Forewing unicolorous without markings
Forewing with markings
3 (2)
Smaller species, 9.0-12.0mm. Late March to late April. Forewing rather shining dark greyish brown
Fresh specimens with scattered pale ochreous scales.
Larger species, 12.0-24.0mm. Forewing brown or pale ochreous
4 (3)
Larger species, 21.0-24.0mm. Second segment of labial palpus with dense rough projecting scales
Forewing paler or darker brown with scattered whitish grey and blackish scales. See couplet 62.
Smaller species, 12.0-20.0mm. Second segment of labial palpus slender
5 (4)
Labial palpus with length two times eye diameter or less; forewing pale ochreous
15.0-20.0mm. Late May to Late June. Forewing almost unicolorous pale ochreous to dark greyish ochreous. Frons and vertex pale yellowish grey.
Labial palpus with length at least three times eye diameter
6 (5)
Labial palpus of equal length as head and thorax together. Forewing with costa straight
12.0-16.0mm. Mid May to early July. Forewing unicolorous brownish. Frons, vertex and thorax dull ochreous orange.
Labial palpus longer than head and thorax together. Forewing with costa slightly convex
12.0-17.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing unicolorous brownish. Frons, vertex and thorax bright ochreous yellow.
7 (2)
Antenna as long as costa forewing or longer
15.0-19.0mm. Late June to mid October. Forewing with shape of many tortricids; pale ochreous, purple tinged, markings variable.
Antenna shorter than costa forewing
8 (7)
Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae white
Male 12.5-15.0mm, female 15.0-20.0mm. March to November outdoors, indoors throughout the year. Forewing pale greyish, variably suffused ochreous and coarsely irrorated blackish, stigmata black.
Vertex, thorax and tegulae not white
9 (8)
Labial palpus with second segment straight, porrected and in line with third segment (latter sometimes obscured, see couplet 10)
Labial palpus with second segment more or less curved, usually recurved and often protruding above head
10 (9)
Smaller species, 12.0-15.0mm
Late June to mid August (in Denmark). Forewing dark greyish brown, sprinkled pale ochreous yellow; stigmata blackish. Labial palpus with terminal segment almost obscured by hair-scales of second segment.
Larger species, 15.0-25.0mm
11 (10)
Forewing with pure white costal streak from base to near apex, without metallic streaks
17.0-25.0mm. Mid May to early August. Forewing grey, white costal streak followed by a brown longitudinal streak from base to apex; stigmata black.
Forewing without white costal streak from base to near apex; with metallic streaks
15.0-21.0mm. Early May to mid June. Forewing with basal half ochreous yellow, dark brown distally; pale yellow spot before tornus and another one at two-thirds of costa; two metallic silver longitudinal streaks from base to one half and additional metallic streaks.
12 (9)
Hindwing with cilia relatively long, distinctly longer than half width of wing at end of vein 2
Hindwing with cilia relatively short, about half width of wing at end of vein 2 or less
13 (12)
Proximal half of antenna thickened with scales
Proximal half of antenna not thickened
14 (13)
Hindwing yellow, irregularly margined dark greyish brown
12.0-17.0mm. Late April and May. Forewing bronzy brown with yellow markings, veins marked with metallic lines.
Hindwing dark greyish brown
14.0-17.0mm. Late May to early July. Forewing dark purplish with a dorsal spot at base and a median pale yellow fascia.
15 (13)
Forewing brown with a slightly curved longitudinal yellow streak from base of wing to tornus
20.0-22.0mm. Late May to early July. In forewing yellow markings sometimes fused.
Forewing without pale streak from base of wing to tornus
16 (15)
Thorax white with pairs of black dots
Forewing white or pale grey with black markings.
Thorax not white with black dots
17 (16)
Abdomen bright yellow
18.0-28.0mm. Late April to early September. Forewing whitish with costal half blackish except at apex.
Abdomen grey
18 (17)
Forewing with terminal third black
15.0-19.0mm. Mid May to late August. Forewing with ground colour whitish.
Forewing with terminal third not black
19 (18)
Forewing with about ten black dots
17.0-21.0mm. Mid May to late July. Forewing with ground colour pale plumbeous grey.
Forewing with six or seven black dots
16.0-22.0mm. Late May to late July. Forewing with ground colour greyish white.
20 (16)
Forewing with basal two-fifth predominantly yellow
Forewing with basal two-fifth not predominantly yellow
21 (20)
Forewing with basal two-fifth completely bright yellow
12.0-18.0mm. Early June to early August. Rest of forewing black except a yellow costal mark near apex and a metallic line, edging yellow basal area.
Forewing with most proximal part of basal area blackish
12.5-16.0mm. Early May to early July. Rest of forewing blackish with two costal spots and a tornal spot yellow.
22 (20)
Forewing with metallic markings
Forewing without metallic markings
23 (22)
Forewing with one silvery fascia at one-quarter, two silvery longitudinal streaks and additional metallic markings. Flagellum blackish brown with apical quarter white
12.0-15.0mm. Late May to mid June (in Denmark). Forewing reddish orange, distal third blackish brown. Labial palpus with second segment yellow, third segment yellowish inwardly and blackish brown outwardly.
Forewing with three fine silvery fasciae, without longitudinal streaks. Flagellum black with white annulations
12.0-15.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing reddish orange with dark brown apical area. Labial palpus similar to former species, but ground colour orange.
24 (22)
Forewing pale brownish, coarsely and irregularly irrorated dark greyish brown; the three stigmata large, blackish brown; at base of costa a blackish brown spot. Hindwing with fringe comparatively short, less than two-thirds width wing at vein 2
See couplet 47.
Forewing without blackish brown spot at base of costa. Hindwing with fringe longer, more than four-fifth width wing at vein 2
25 (24)
Larger species, 18.0-23.0mm
Forewing dark greyish brown, with dark more or less distinct stigmata only.
Smaller species, 7.0-18.0mm
Forewing generally brown, greyish brown or ochreous yellow.
26 (25)
Abdomen dorsally dark greyish brown (unreliable character)
18.0-22.0mm. 20.June to 1.August. Forewing comparatively narrow: length costa more than three and a half times greatest width; without any ochreous tinge; stigmata blackish brown, relatively distinct. Very similar to Tubuliferola latipennella and T. flavifrontella. Inspection of male genitalia possible without dissection after brushing posterior tip abdomen: valva much longer than broad, ventral margin gradually curved upward.
Abdomen dorsally ochreous to dark brown (unreliable character)
Forewing with length costa about three to three and a half times greatest width or more, often with slightly ochreous tinge; stigmata dark brown, indistinct or obsolete. Male genitalia (inspection without dissection) with short, subtriangular valva.
27 (26)
Forewing broader and apex more rounded; length costa three times greatest width or slightly less
18.0-22.5mm. 21.April to 2.June. Forewing with stigmata usually indistinct. Valva with dorsal margin straight.
Forewing narrower and apex more pointed; length costa three and a half times greatest width or more
18.0-23.0mm. 20.May to 6.July. Forewing with stigmata usually obsolete. Valva with dorsal margin sinuate.
28 (25)
Forewing with ground colour blackish or brownish with yellow spots or fasciae
Forewing coloured and marked otherwise
29 (28)
Vertex yellow, occasionally with dark brown central longitudinal band
Vertex unicolorous brown or blackish
30 (29)
Forewing brown, yellowish basal streak from base to middle of dorsum; without yellowish blotch at one-half
12.0-13.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing with yellowish basal streak, costal and tornal spots rather well-defined; without further markings.
Forewing dark brownish grey with scattered yellow scales; broad yellow basal streak parallel to dorsum; yellow blotch at one-half present
31 (30)
Vertex unicolorous yellow
14.0-18.0mm. Early May to early July. Forewing heavily irrorate with yellow scales resulting in more diffuse yellow markings. Flagellum unicolorous in both sexes, male with cilia longer than diameter flagellum. Frons yellow. Thorax and tegulae brownish grey, irrorate with yellowish.
Vertex yellow with central longitudinal dark brown band
9.0-16.0mm. Mid May to early August. Forewing with scattered yellow scales and rather distinct yellow markings. Flagellum with basal one-third annulated in male, in female unicolorous; male with length cilia at most diameter flagellum. Frons yellow. Thorax black with longitudinal yellow line laterally; tegulae blackish brown.
32 (29)
Forewing with basal half without pale spots or fasciae
10.0-14.0mm. Early May to early August. Forewing brown with yellowish costal and tornal spots.
Forewing with pale spots or fasciae in basal half
33 (32)
Forewing with pale fascia in basal area over twice as broad at dorsum as at costa
9.0-12.0mm. Early May to early July. Forewing with pale median fascia usually interrupted in middle and with dorsal part generally separate from pale tornal spot; markings yellow.
Forewing with pale fascia in basal area slightly narrower at costa than at dorsum
9.0-12.0mm. May and June (in Central Europe). Forewing with pale median fascia usually entire and with dorsal part always confluent with pale tornal spot; markings pale yellow.
34 (28)
Forewing ranging from pale greyish ochreous to brown and greyish brown
Forewing with ground colour bright ochreous yellow or reddish yellow
35 (34)
Forewing brown to greyish brown
Forewing pale ochreous or pale greyish ochreous
36 (35)
Vertex dark greyish brown
7.0-12.0mm. Late May to early September (outdoors). Forewing with one plical and two discal stigmata, blackish brown and ill-defined; suffused with dark scales, particularly in apical area. Frons pale ochreous yellow to dark brown. Thorax and tegulae shining blackish brown. See couplet 37.
Vertex pale ochreous yellow
8.0-13.0mm. June to mid July. Forewing with one plical and two discal stigmata, all dark brown; more or less suffused with dark scales. Frons pale ochreous yellow. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown.
37 (35)
Hind tibia with medial pair of spurs at about three-fifth
9.0-13.0mm (male), 12.0-15.0mm (female). Late March to mid October (often indoors). Forewing pale greyish ochreous yellow; stigmata brown, second discal present, plical and first discal usually indistinct or absent; in apical area some brown suffusion. Frons pale greyish ochreous yellow, vertex concolorous with ground colour forewing.
Hind tibia with medial pair of spurs about halfway
Forewing pale ochreous. Frons pale ochreous; vertex brown. Rare pale form. See couplet 36.
38 (34)
Vertex brownish orange. Forewing without black pretornal mark
12.0-16.0mm. Mid July to early September. Forewing reddish yellow, tinged orange; broad reddish brown fascia, edged white. Frons, thorax and tegulae brownish orange.
Vertex dark greyish brown. Forewing with black pretornal mark
39 (38)
Larger species, 13.0-18.0mm
Mid June to mid August. Forewing with outer edge of pretornal mark near dorsum at right angles to dorsum, for the greater part separate from reddish brown terminal area; base of dorsum concolorous with ochreous yellow ground colour.
Smaller species, 7.5-13.0mm
Forewing with outer edge of black pretornal mark at an oblique angle to dorsum, outwardly wholly bounded by reddish brown terminal area; base of dorsum concolorous with ground colour or darker.
40 (39)
Forewing with dark costal streak broad, ill-defined; base of dorsum pale reddish brown, darker than ochreous yellow ground colour
7.5-10.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with pale reddish brown basal patch sometimes extended along dorsum.
Forewing with dark costal streak narrow, well-defined; base of dorsum concolorous with ochreous yellow ground colour
9.0-13.0mm. Early June to early August.
41 (12)
Antenna with scape without pecten
Antenna with scape provided with pecten
42 (41)
Forewing without black streak arising at base
18.0-25.0mm. Late March to early June. Forewing greyish brown, often rosy tinged, a bent black longitudinal streak in disc before middle, followed by a black sickle-shaped mark at two-thirds.
Forewing with black streak arising at base
43 (42)
Forewing at distal margin of disc with a whitish spot, ringed black; ground colour pale grey, suffused ferruginous or ochreous
25.0-30.0mm. March and April.
Forewing without whitish, black-ringed spot; ground colour pale grey, more or less sprinkled dark brown and black, but not suffused ferruginous or ochreous
20.0-29.0mm. March and April.
44 (41)
Forewing with tufts of raised blackish scales before and beyond middle, representing stigmata
15.0-21.0mm. Late May to mid July. Forewing greyish brown, before middle with three blackish stigmata in an almost vertical line and slightly beyond middle two blackish stigmata, transversely placed.
Forewing without tufts of raised dark scales
45 (44)
Labial palpus with second segment more than two times length of third
21.0-25.0mm. July and August. Forewing brown with base more or less greyish white; indistinctly darker strigulated; stigmata variable, second discal usually white, black ringed.
Labial palpus with second segment less than twice length of third
46 (45)
Labial palpus with second segment slender, often slightly thickened by scales
Labial palpus without longitudinal ventral furrow.
Labial palpus with second segment provided with dense rough projecting scales
Labial palpus usually with longitudinal ventral furrow.
47 (46)
Vertex and thorax white
13.0-17.0mm. Early June to early August. Forewing ochreous brown with distinct oblique median fascia and costal spot at two-thirds, both markings white; two indistinct transversely placed discal dots, edged white.
Vertex and thorax brownish
16.0-26.0mm. Throughout the year. Forewing pale brownish, coarsely and irregularly irrorated dark greyish brown; stigmata conspicuous, large and blackish. See couplet 24.
48 (46)
Forewing with veins 2 and 3 separate from cell
Forewing with veins 2 and 3 with short common stalk
49 (48)
Forewing with round, white dot in disc at two-thirds, often a second more basally
Forewing with white discal dot distinct except in Depressaria sordidatella where it may be small and obscure.
Forewing without round white dots in disc
In place of white dot forewing a black spot or white streak more basally (or unmarked, see couplet 4, Depressaria badiella).
50 (49)
Thorax (tegulae excluded) not conspicuously paler than forewing
Forewing with one white discal dot at two-thirds.
Thorax contrasting paler than forewing
51 (50)
Labial palpus with third segment black, tip yellowish
18.0-21.0mm. July to September, after hibernation March to May. Forewing brown, slightly reddish-tinged and paler sprinkled; some blackish dashes and blackish terminal dots. Frons greyish brown, vertex and thorax reddish brown.
Labial palpus with third segment pale brown with one or two dark rings
Occasionally labial palpus without dark rings.
52 (51)
Smaller species, 18.0-22.0mm. Labial palpus with one dark ring, occasionally absent
See couplet 60.
Larger species, 22.0-29.0mm. Labial palpus with two dark rings
D. radiella (part)
See couplet 61.
53 (50)
Larger species, 21.0-27.0mm
October and after hibernation April, May. Frons, vertex and thorax ochreous yellow, tegulae dark red brown. Forewing red brown, darker dashes usually indistinct.
Smaller species, 15.0-21.0mm
54 (53)
Forewing brown without reddish tinge, more or less mixed whitish and dark greyish brown, indistinct pale fascia at three-quarters obtusely angled
17.0-21.0mm. July, August; no evidence that adult hibernates. Frons, vertex and thorax whitish, tegulae dark brown, pale-tipped. Forewing with some inconspicuous darker dashes.
Forewing brown with pronounced reddish tinge, mixed whitish and dark greyish brown, indistinct pale fascia at three-quarters angled at 90° or more
15.0-19.0mm. July, August; no evidence that adult hibernates. Frons, vertex and thorax whitish grey with rosy tinge, tegulae pinkish brown. Forewing with some indistinct darker dashes.
55 (49)
Forewing with costal two-fifth from base to at least three-quarters reddish, contrasting with brown or dark brown colour of rest of wing
In forewing edging of costal reddish streak often indistinct.
Forewing with costal area not more reddish than rest of wing
56 (55)
Frons, vertex and thorax dark reddish brown, similar to costal area of forewing
16.0-20.0mm. July to September and after hibernation April, May. Forewing with reddish costal streak from base to three-quarters, rest of wing dark brown with black longitudinal streak or small dashes in disc.
Frons, vertex and thorax pale ochreous yellowish, distinctly paler than costal area of forewing
14.0-17.0mm. Throughout the year (in Denmark). Forewing with reddish costal streak from base to near apex, rest of wing brown without black markings in disc.
57 (55)
Labial palpus with third segment blackish, tip whitish
Labial palpus with third segment yellowish to brownish with one or two dark rings, occasionally rings absent
58 (57)
Thorax posteriorly greyish white, paler than forewing
18.0-22.0mm. August to October and after hibernation April to June. Forewing dark brown, reddish-tinged with scattered whitish and blackish scaling.
Thorax concolorous with forewing
D. daucella (part)
Specimens with darker third segment of labial palpus. See couplet 63.
59 (57)
Third segment of labial palpus with one dark ring or without rings
Labial palpus with base of third segment sometimes darker.
Third segment of labial palpus with two dark rings
60 (59)
Smaller species, 18.0-21.0mm
July and August, in Britain not hibernating as an adult. Labial palpus with one dark ring, occasionally absent. Forewing brown, slightly reddish-tinged, whitish grey scaling along costa to one-half; first and second discal stigmata indistinct. See couplet 52.
Larger species, 21.0-25.0mm
August, September and after hibernation in May. Labial palpus with one dark ring. Forewing brown, not reddish-tinged, whitish grey scaling along costa absent; first and second discal stigmata distinct, black, between them one or more black dots.
61 (59)
Forewing with row of conspicuous black dots along termen
D. radiella (part)
22.0-29.0mm. Throughout the year, except December. Forewing pale brown, somewhat greyish, with numerous dark brown dashes; in place of discal stigmata dark cloudy dashes. See couplet 52.
Forewing with terminal dots fused or indistinct
62 (61)
Thorax usually slightly paler than forewing. Forewing generally without dark or pale markings, except the indistinct discal stigmata
D. badiella (part)
21.0-24.0mm. July to September, not hibernating as an adult. Forewing paler or darker brown with scattered whitish grey and blackish scales; only a few short longitudinal black dashes; sometimes unicolorous (see couplet 4), but also well-marked forms occur; specimens with a visible pale fascia at three-quarters are recognizable by its angle, 80-100° versus 40-60° in D. ultimella and D. daucella. In hindwing vein 5 not clearly separate from stalk of 3 and 4, connate or very short-stalked with stalk of 3 and 4. See couplet 4.
Thorax usually slightly darker than forewing. Forewing with dark and often also pale markings
63 (62)
Smaller species, 16.0-21.0mm. Forewing with disc not or scarcely paler. Hindwing with vein 5 separate from stalk of 3 and 4
July to October and after hibernation March to May. Forewing brownish, often reddish-tinged; more or less sprinkled paler and darker; numerous short longitudinal blackish dashes; two indistinct discal stigmata, connected by whitish scales.
Larger species, 21.5-26.0mm. Forewing with disc conspicuously paler. In hindwing vein 5 connate with stalk of 3 and 4
D. daucella (part)
Mid July to early November, after hibernation mid March to early June. Forewing brownish, often reddish-tinged; somewhat whitish-sprinkled; numerous short longitudinal blackish dashes; second discal stigma present, but indistinct. See couplet 58.
64 (48)
Forewing with discrete red or brownish red mark in disc, sometimes rather small
Forewing without discrete red mark in disc
In forewing red scales may occur, but these are part of a suffusion. In Agonopterix assimilella sometimes a short ferruginous dash at three-fifth, often incorporated in dark suffusion (see couplet 91); in A. nervosa a similar red streak in disc at one-half (see couplets 70 and 87).
65 (64)
Forewing white, variably suffused pale brown, a cloudy dark grey blotch at one-half touching costa and edged beneath by a thick elongate red mark
18.0-22.0mm. Late August to mid November and after hibernation March to early June. Frons, vertex and thorax usually white or whitish. Forewing with two blackish dots in disc.
Forewing pale ochreous, variably suffused greyish brown, a small cloudy dark blotch at one-half not reaching costa and a red-circled white dot in disc at one-third.
21.0-26.0mm. Throughout the year except December. Frons, vertex and thorax usually pale ochreous or greyish. Forewing with a red dash and two blackish dots in disc, often fused.
66 (64)
Forewing with black or dark greyish brown dots in disc fused to form a conspicuous curved black mark at one-third to two-fifth
Forewing without conspicuous curved dark mark in disc
67 (66)
Third segment of labial palpus pale ochreous with two dark rings and dark tip
Specimens with curved black mark in forewing. See couplets 90 and 98.
Third segment of labial palpus ochreous with broad dark band
68 (67)
Tegulae dark reddish brown, paling posteriorly, sharply contrasting with ochreous yellow vertex and thorax. Underside labial palpus pale ochreous
17.0-20.0mm. Late June to August, not hibernating as an adult. Forewing deep dark purplish brown, towards base and costa suffused blackish. Hindwing with dorsum distinctly curved inwards. Frons ochreous yellow. Vertex and thorax usually with brownish central line.
Tegulae ranging from pale ochreous to greyish brown, sometimes somewhat reddish, usually not or slightly contrasting with thorax. Underside labial palpus dark brown
16.0-20.0mm. Late May to early October, not hibernating as an adult. Forewing dark reddish brown or greyish brown, variably suffused darker and paler. Hindwing with dorsum only slightly curved inwardly. See couplet 73.
69 (66)
Forewing with at least one white or whitish dot in disc
Forewing without white or whitish dot in disc
Forewing occasionally with pale yellowish grey or pale ochreous dot, not white or whitish. See A. assimilella (couplet 91).
70 (69)
Forewing with apical half of terminal cilia dark brown or purplish brown, tornal half pale ochreous or greyish
A. nervosa (part)
16.0-22.0mm. June to September, not hibernating as an adult (in England once found in January). Forewing pale ochreous yellow, variably scattered with blackish scales, suffused brownish or pink; red-circled white dot at three-fifth. See couplet 87 (form without white dot in disc).
Forewing with cilia unicolorous
Fringe of forewing with pale cilia-line or with dark spots.
71 (70)
Labial palpus with third segment unicolorous ochreous yellow, without dark rings
A. atomella (part)
18.0-22.0mm. May to September, most probably hibernating as an adult. Forewing ochreous yellow with some scattered blackish scales, variably suffused rosy brownish, except base and costal area; whitish or pale ochreous dot in disc at three-fifth. See couplet 85.
Third segment of labial palpus with one or more dark rings (sometimes indistinct) or more or less mottled with darker scales
72 (71)
Forewing with one whitish dot in disc
Forewing with more than one white or whitish dot in disc
Forewing with white and whitish dost sometimes very small, occasionally one dot obscure.
73 (72)
Third segment of labial palpus with one distinct broad blackish band, tip pale
Specimens with disc forewing without curved dark mark. See couplet 68.
Third segment of labial palpus with two dark rings and narrow dark tip
Third segment of labial palpus sometimes with ill-defined indistinct rings or only with black scaling.
74 (73)
Smaller species, 11.0-15.0mm. Forewing with dark cloudy blotch reaching middle of costa
May to September, in Britain hibernating as an adult. Forewing dark purplish brown, mixed darker, especially towards costa; base pale grey.
Larger species, 14.0-22.0mm. Forewing without dark cloudy blotch, if present, not reaching costa
75 (74)
Hindwing with fringe without dark cilia-lines
18.0-22.0mm. Throughout the year, except January and December, hibernating as an adult. Forewing pale greyish ochreous with scattered blackish scales; a cloudy dark blotch of variable intensity at one-third; veins sometimes marked with dark greyish brown streaks.
Hindwing with fringe with one to three dark cilia-lines, basal line excluded, sometimes indistinct.
76 (72)
Smaller specimens, 14.0-18.0mm
Larger specimens, 18.0-25.0mm
77 (76)
Hindwing dark grey; cilia concolorous, with one dark cilia-line. Abdomen with upper side black medially and ochreous laterally
14.0-18.0mm. July to September and after hibernation March to May. Third segment of labial palpus with both dark rings, dark tip narrow or obsolete. Forewing light greyish brown, base pale.
Hindwing pale greyish brown, cilia greyish white and with two or three cilia-lines, sometimes indistinct. Abdomen with upper side unicolorous brown or greyish brown
15.0-22.0 mm. Third segment of labial palpus with distinct dark rings and dark tip. See couplets 80 and 98.
78 (76)
Forewing with basal area whitish, distinctly edged vertically and not extending along costa
18.0-22.0mm. July to October and after hibernation March and April. Forewing reddish brown with a few scattered grey and dark greyish brown scales.
Forewing with basal area paler than rest of wing, but not whitish (pale ochreous to pale brown), extending along costa or concolorous with rest of wing
79 (78)
Forewing with apex squared, outer three-fourth of costa and apical half of termen straight; both white discal spots small or obscure
18.0-23.0mm. March to October, hibernating as an adult. Forewing brown, variably suffused ochreous or reddish brown, base usually paler than rest of wing. Specimens with two white discal dots present, but small and obscure. See couplets 90 and 92.
Forewing with apex rounded, costa and termen gently rounded; white discal dots well-developed
80 (79)
Antenna four-fifth of length costa forewing. Hindwing cilia with five dark cilia-lines, sometimes indistinct
19.0-25.0mm. July to October and after hibernation March, April. Forewing brown, often tinged reddish; base usually pale.
Antenna almost as long as costa forewing. Hindwing cilia with two or three cilia-lines (basal line excluded), sometimes indistinct
17.0-22.0mm. Throughout the year, except December, hibernates as an adult. Forewing from pale greyish brown to dark brown, variably mixed pale ochreous and dark greyish brown, sometimes tinged reddish; base usually paler. See couplets 77 and 98.
81 (69)
Third segment of labial palpus without dark markings
Third segment of labial palpus with dark markings, sometimes reduced to dark tip or some dark scaling
82 (81)
In forewing black second discal stigma incorporated in dark cloudy blotch, usually extending towards tornus
15.0-19.0mm. Late June to early September, not hibernating as an adult. Forewing pale brown, reddish tinged and suffused dark brown, base pale.
In forewing dark markings otherwise
83 (82)
Forewing whitish ochreous with veins lined or streaked darker
Forewing with dark lining of veins fine, sometimes reduced to scattered scales.
Forewing with veins not lined or streaked darker
84 (83)
Vertex whitish ochreous and with dark median line. Forewing with dark line along dorsum
A. umbellana (part)
19.0-24.0mm. August, September and after hibernation April to June. Forewing whitish ochreous; veins and dorsum variably lined blackish brown. See couplet 86.
Vertex whitish ochreous without dark median line. Forewing without dark line along dorsum
19.0-23.0mm. August to October, in Britain and Denmark after hibernation to May. Forewing whitish ochreous; veins and dorsum lined dark, sometimes reduced to scattered dark scales; subdorsal dark longitudinal streak from near base to before tornus.
85 (83)
Forewing with base and costal area ochreous to pale ochreous, rest of wing darker, variably suffused with rosy brownish
A. atomella (part)
Vertex without dark median line. Form without pale dot in disc. See couplet 71.
Forewing with base and costal area concolorous with whitish ochreous colour of rest of wing
86 (85)
Vertex unicolorous. Forewing beneath second stigma with cloudy ferruginous or greyish brown blotch, sometimes faint
19.0-23.0mm. Late June to August, not hibernating as an adult. Forewing whitish ochreous.
Vertex whitish ochreous with dark median line. Forewing without dark cloudy blotch near tornus
A. umbellana (part)
This is f. prostratella, in which forewing lacks blackish brown lines along veins. See couplet 84.
87 (81)
Forewing with apical half of terminal cilia dark brown or purplish brown, tornal half pale ochreous or greyish
A. nervosa (part)
See couplet 70.
Forewing with terminal cilia unicolorous
88 (87)
Forewing with basal area distinctly paler than rest of wing
Forewing occasionally with base not distinctly dark-edged, but base without dark stippling or suffusion, thus somewhat contrasting with rest of wing.
Forewing with basal area concolorous with rest of wing
89 (88)
Forewing without cloudy dark blotch in disc
Forewing with more or less cloudy black or greyish brown blotch in disc
90 (89)
Larger species, 18.0-23.0mm. Forewing with apex squared, outer three-fourth of costa and apical half of termen straight
Third segment of labial palpus with two indistinct dark rings. Form with forewing without white discal dots and without cloudy dark blotch in disc. See also couplets 79 and 92.
Smaller species, 16.0-17.0mm. Forewing with apex rounded, costa and termen gently rounded
July to September and after hibernation March to May. Third segment of labial palpus with two distinct dark rings. Forewing greyish ochreous sprinkled darker; without white or whitish discal dot, curved dark mark in disc absent. See couplets 67 and 98.
91 (89)
Forewing with dark cloudy blotch in disc at three-fifth, sometimes faint, often slightly extending obliquely towards tornus and fused with a ferruginous longitudinal elongate mark
15.0-21.0mm. March to September, hibernating as an adult. Third segment of labial palpus with one dark ring, ill-defined. Forewing pale ochreous, sometimes with short ferruginous dash at three-fifth, often incorporated in the grey cloudy blotch.
Forewing with dark cloudy blotch in disc at one-half, not extending towards tornus and fused with ferruginous mark. Third segment of labial palpus with two dark rings, sometimes indistinct
92 (91)
Forewing with apex squared, outer three-fourth of costa and apical half of termen straight; costa without dark greyish brown maculation
Third segment of labial palpus with two indistinct dark rings. Form with forewing without white discal dots and with cloudy dark blotch in disc. See couplets 79 and 90.
Forewing with apex rounded, costa and termen gently rounded; costa with dark greyish brown maculation
Third segment of labial palpus with two distinct dark rings.
93 (92)
Forewing with dark cloudy blotch in disc remote from costa and with a row of conspicuous blackish or brown terminal dots; abdomen ventrally without rows of black spots
16.0-22.0mm. February to November, hibernates as an adult. Forewing pale ochreous yellow, irregularly suffused brown.
Forewing with dark cloudy blotch in disc approaching costa and with a row of small, sometimes indistinct blackish terminal dots; abdomen ventrally with rows of blackish spots
16.0-19.0mm. February to October, hibernates as an adult. Forewing ochreous yellow to pale greyish red, tinged pale ochreous; variably finely speckled with black or brownish black. Third segment of labial palpus reddish yellow with one distinct blackish ring at two-thirds and less distinct dark markings at tip and at base. See couplet 97.
94 (88)
Vertex whitish ochreous with dark median line. Forewing with veins dark-lined. Third segment of labial palp with dark brown tip, without dark rings
A. umbellana (part)
Forewing whitish ochreous, veins and dorsum variably lined blackish brown. Form with third segment of labial palpus dark-tipped. See couplets 84 and 86.
Vertex unicolorous. Forewing with veins not dark-lined. Third segment of labial palp with one or two dark rings, sometimes indistinct
95 (94)
Forewing pale ochreous yellow tinged somewhat greyish or brownish (never reddish); brown sprinkling tending to form strigulae; fringe ochreous with one fine dark cilia-line. Labial palpus with third segment with one indistinct dark ring
14.0-19.0mm. August (July in Britain), not hibernating as an adult. Forewing with costa marked with dark strigulae, occasionally obsolete; dark cloudy subcostal blotch at one-half absent or, of present, ill-defined. Labial palpus with third segment pale yellowish, faintly ringed blackish at two-thirds.
Forewing with ground colour ranging from ochreous to brown, often slightly reddish-tinged; not strigulated; fringe with two or three paler or darker cilia-lines. Third segment of labial palpus with two dark rings, occasionally indistinct
96 (95)
Forewing without distinct dark costal spots, sometimes some dark scales along costa; fringe brownish, often with two or three indistinct pale cilia-lines
17.0-23.0mm. February to October, hibernating as an adult. Forewing with nearly straight costa and rather sqared apex; varying from ochreous yellow or pale reddish ochreous to pale greyish red; basal area not dark-edged and concolorous with rest of wing; dark cloudy subcostal blotch at one-half remote from costa, sometimes obscure, obsolete or absent. Third segment of labial palpus pale brown with two blackish rings and blackish tip; these markings sometimes faint. The f. rhodochrella Herrich-Schäffer has thorax, tegulae and occasionally vertex conspicuously blackish instead of pale brown.
Forewing with a series of dark rather conspicuous costal spots, particularly in basal half; fringe ochreous or pale reddish brown with two or three dark brown or dark grey cilia-lines
97 (96)
Generally larger species, 18.0-25.0mm. Forewing with basal area dark-edged, not paler than rest of wing
March to December, hibernates as an adult. Forewing reddish ochreous yellow with fine dark scaling overlaid with coarse black scales; dark cloudy subcostal blotch at one-half, remote from costa. Third segment of labial palpus reddish yellow with two blackish rings, second occasionally indistinct.
Generally smaller species, 16.0-19.0mm. Forewing with basal area not dark-edged and concolorous with rest of wing or almost so
Forewing with dark cloudy subcostal blotch in disc, if present, approaching costa. See couplet 93.
98 (75)
Smaller species, 16.0-17.5 mm. Frons shining white or whitish
Forewing greyish brown, sprinkled darker; base pale. Form without curved dark mark in forewing and with one whitish dot in disc. See couplets 67 and 90.
Larger species, 17.0-22.0 mm. Frons ochreous yelow, paler beneath
Forewing with only one withish dot in disc. See couplets 77 and 80.

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