
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Forewing unicolorous pure white or ochreous yellow
Forewing sometimes with greyish suffusion in basal third of costa.
Forewing not unicolorous white or ochreous yellow, but with markings, speckling or suffusion or coloured otherwise
2 (1)
Forewing plain clear yellow ochreous, base of costa suffused dark brown
10.0-13.0mm. Early May to mid June. Forewing occasionally with darker suffusion in costal half. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae concolorous with forewing, occasionally slightly darker. Abdomen dark greyish brown.
Forewing white
3 (2)
Larger species, 12.0-14.0mm. Hindwing greyish brown. Tarsus hindleg with strong bristles
May and June. Forewing with basal third of costa greyish. Flagellum with conspicuous cilia in male, weakly ciliated in female. Frons, neck tufts and thorax shining white; vertex white, faintly suffused with greyish brown.
Smaller species, 10.0-12.0mm. Hindwing greyish white. Tarsus hindleg without strong bristles
Early May to early July. Forewing sometimes with basal third greyish. Flagellum non-ciliate. Frons, vertex, neck tufts and thorax white, sometimes slightly ochreous-tinged.
4 (1)
Forewing with dark suffusion on paler ground or pale suffusion on darker ground, but always without markings or speckling
Forewing dark or pale coloured, but always with markings or speckling (sometimes obscure)
5 (4)
Forewing without a regular row of dark-tipped scales overlaying the cilia, but with scattered darker-tipped scales in cilia
8.0-10.0mm. April and May. Forewing greyish brown, mottled with darker brownish. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae concolorous with forewing. See couplet 34.
Forewing with regular row of dark-tipped scales overlying the cilia
6 (5)
Thorax whitish with narrow brownish central line
9.5-11.0mm. Mid April to early July. Forewing white, male densely irrorated ochreous brown, female more thinly irrorated. Frons and vertex whitish.
Thorax not pale with dark central line
7 (6)
Vertex ochreous, thorax contrasting dark grey
E. canapennella (male, part)
Forewing greyish brown, mottled darker distally. See couplets 40 (male) and 52 (female)
Vertex and thorax concolorous or nearly so
8 (7)
Flagellum pale greyish brown with fine whitish cilia and with raised scales on distal part of each segment, giving antenna a strongly serrate appearance throughout
E. serricornis (male, part)
Forewing brownish grey mottled by scales with pale bases. Frons ochreous brown becoming greyish brown on vertex. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown. For male see also couplet 38, for female couplet 17.
Flagellum not ciliate and serrate
9 (8)
Forewing with base of cilia white before blackish brown cilia-line, beyond cilia-line grey
E. subnigrella (male, part)
Forewing dark brownish grey; scale bases paler, giving it a mottled overall picture. For male see also couplet 39, for female see couplet 59.
Forewing with cilia before and beyond fine dark brown cilia-line whitish grey
E. orstadii (male, part)
Forewing beige to brownish grey, mottled paler, due to scales with pale bases. For male see couplet 40, for female couplet 53.
10 (4)
Forewing predominantly white, greyish white or ochreous white
Forewing coloured darker
11 (10)
Forewing without prominent blackish spot or short longitudinal streak
Forewing with varying number of fine blackish or blackish brown dots.
Forewing with prominent blackish spot or short longitudinal streak at one-half or slightly beyond
12 (11)
Forewing white with yellowish suffusion, leaving white two broad more or less distinct fasciae (at one-third and two-thirds respectively)
8.0-10.0mm. Mid May to mid June (to July in Western Germany). Frons and vertex and labial palpus white. Thorax white, tinged pale yellowish.
Forewing white with yellowish or beige suffusion, usually forming scattered patches of scales or an indistinct fascia
8.0-10.0mm. Late April to late June (to mid July in Western Germany). Frons, vertex, labial palpus and thorax white.
13 (11)
Forewing with cilia white without dark cilia-line and/or dark scales
7.0-10.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing white, costa blackish grey basally, margins faintly tinged yellowish; two distinct black spots, one in fold just beyond middle, another between this and apex. frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae white. Hindleg with tarsus white.
Forewing with cilia ochreous white or greyish white with dark cilia-line and/or dark scales
14 (13)
Smaller species, 7.0-9.0mm. Forewing with two distinct small elongate blackish dashes, one in fold at two-fifth and another at distal end of cell at two-thirds
Late May to early September. Forewing greyish white. Frons and vertex ochreous white to ochreous grey, more or less suffused brownish. Thorax and tegulae whitish. Hind tarsus greyish, sometimes ringed paler. See couplet 18.
Larger species, 9.0-12.0mm. Forewing with only one distinct dark dash at two-thirds or at one-half
15 (14)
Forewing with rather large dark brown spot on fold at two-thirds (occasionally indistinct)
9.0-12.0mm. Late April to mid September. Forewing white, somewhat yellowish; variable in extent of markings; often dark spot near base of dorsum and some spots in distal half of wing. Thorax white. Hind tarsus whitish.
Forewing with distinct elongate blackish brown dash on fold just before one-half
E. albidella (part)
9.0-10.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing whitish, suffused grey or brownish grey along costa. Frons and vertex white. Thorax ochreous white to ochreous. Hind tarsus greyish white. See couplet 19.
16 (10)
Forewing with markings both paler and darker than ground colour, sometimes pale markings less distinct
Forewing with colour ranging from pale ochreous to brownish and grey; markings white and blackish; conspicuous blackish longitudinal plical streak or dot always present.
Forewing dark coloured with pale markings
17 (16)
Forewing with pale fascia before middle (sometimes indistinct). Vertex and thorax rather dark greyish brown
E. serricornis (part, female)
6.5-9.0mm. Late May to early August. Flagellum towards apex with raised scales on distal part of the segments, giving apical part of antenna a serrate appearance. Forewing greyish brown with pale dorsal and costal marks (the latter often inconspicuous); small black dot in fold at one-half and another, less distinct, in distal end of cell; patch of reddish brown scales in apical half nearly always present. Frons and vertex greyish brown. See for female also couplet 38, for male couplets 8 and 38.
Forewing without pale fascia before middle. Vertex and thorax ranging from whitish to pale greyish brown
Flagellum not or only slightly serrate.
18 (17)
Forewing with distinct blackish elongate spot in middle and another similar spot at distal end of cell at two-thirds
Forewing brownish grey, whitish sub-terminal fascia and some whitish longitudinal streaks. Frons and vertex ochreous white, often with scattered dark scales. Thorax and tegulae whitish grey, mixed greyish brown. See couplet 14.
Forewing with dark spot on fold only
19 (18)
Forewing with greater part of costa contrasting dark greyish brown
E. albidella (part)
Forewing pale ochreous suffused grey or brownish grey and with conspicuous elongate blackish brown dash on fold just before one-half. Thorax and tegulae pale greyish brown. See couplet 15.
Forewing with greater part of costa not contrasting dark greyish brown
20 (19)
Larger species, 10.0-12.0mm. Forewing with white irregular fascia from apex towards tornus, often connected with tornal spot (sometimes indistinct in almost plain pale ochreous grey specimens)
Early June to early August. Forewing from ochreous to grey with whitish pattern and poorly defined brownish markings. Frons ochreous white; vertex, thorax and tegulae ochreous grey.
Smaller species, 7.0-9.0mm. Forewing without pale fascia from apex towards tornus, but only with subapical pale spot between costal spot and apex
21 (20)
Forewing with fold almost plain brownish from base to blackish longitudinal dash at one-half; this dash is followed by a short, often distinct whitish streak and often preceded by a tiny (or missing) whitish dot
7.0-8.5mm. Mid June to early August. Frons and vertex greyish beige to dark brown in male, whitish grey in female. Thorax and tegulae greyish. Forewing greyish brown.
Forewing with fold from base with whitish basal streak extending to blackish longitudinal dash, the latter only followed by some whitish scales
8.0-9.0mm. Late May to early September. Frons and vertex pale grey to white in male, creamy white in female. Forewing pale brown to greyish brown.
22 (16)
Forewing dark coloured with one pale transverse fascia near one-half; in distal part pale costal and tornal spots absent
Forewing with pale markings otherwise
23 (22)
Smaller species, 7.0-8.0mm. Forewing with yellow fascia, distinctly shining
Mid May to mid June and August. Forewing blackish brown; cilia greyish brown with bluish reflection basally. Frons and vertex leaden grey. Thorax blackish grey. Hind tarsus black with narrow silvery white ring at distal end of the segments.
Larger species, 8.0-11.0mm. Forewing with fascia whitish or yellowish, not shining.
24 (23)
Vertex and neck-tufts white to ochreous white
9.0-11.0mm. June to August. Forewing greyish brown, darkest in basal half; fascia at near one-half, slightly curved outwardly and narrowed or interrupted in middle; terminal cilia greyish, yellowish white in apical half. Frons whitish. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown.
Vertex and neck-tufts grey, dark brown or dark greyish brown
Sometimes frons whitish.
25 (24)
Forewing with fascia at one-half, pale yellowish white, coloured broadly warm yellow towards distal edge
8.0-10.0mm. Late June to August. Forewing dark brown; fascia widened towards dorsum; terminal cilia concolorous, but yellowish white in apical half. Frons pale yellowish, vertex brown. Thorax and tegulae blackish brown.
Forewing with fascia at one-half, unicolorous pale yellowish white, not conspicuously coloured warm yellow towards distal edge
26 (25)
Forewing with terminal cilia dark greyish brown throughout
9.0-10.0mm. Late May to early July. Forewing almost plain dark greyish brown; fascia slightly inwardly oblique, very narrow between costa and fold (often not reaching costa), widening almost triangularly from fold to dorsum. Frons creamy to pale greyish; vertex, thorax and tegulae dark greyish brown.
Forewing with terminal cilia grey, but yellowish white in apical half
8.0-9.5mm. May (in Britain also in June; in Southern Scandinavia a second generation from August to early September). Forewing dark grey; fascia almost straight, of uniform width throughout. Frons pale grey; vertex grey. Thorax and tegulae dark greyish brown.
27 (22)
Forewing with terminal cilia partly white or whitish
Forewing with white or whitish part of terminal cilia ranging from a small series of pale cilia near apex (occasionally ochreous white or greyish white) to basal or distal part of the cilia from apex to beyond middle.
Forewing with terminal cilia unicolorous pale ochreous, brownish or greyish
28 (27)
Forewing with terminal cilia white or whitish basally or distally from apex to middle of termen or beyond
Forewing with terminal cilia white or whitish near apex only
29 (28)
Vertex white. Forewing with terminal cilia white basally
8.0-9.0mm. Early May to late June, August. Forewing dark grey to blackish, mottled paler; fascia, costal and tornal spots whitish, often a third whitish spot between these spots; cilia white along termen. Frons, thorax and tegulae almost white. Flagellum dark grey, faintly annulated paler.
Vertex ochreous and dark greyish brown. Forewing with terminal cilia white distally
30 (29)
Vertex covered with ochreous white dark-edged scales
9.0-11.0mm. Mid May to mid June (to early August in Britain). Forewing dark grey; whitish transverse median fascia, almost straight, narrowing towards or not reaching costa; costal and tornal spots often only slightly separated; occasionally costal spot and fascia confluent; cilia pale brown, beyond dark brown cilia-line whitish from apex to middle of termen. Frons dark brown. Thorax and tegulae mottled dark greyish brown and whitish. Flagellum plain dark greyish brown. Hind tarsus shining grey, faintly annulated whitish, with black spots outwardly. See couplets 54, 60 and 64.
Vertex unicolorous dark greyish brown
8.0-10.0mm. Mid May to August. Forewing dark grey, scales pale grey basally, blackish grey at tips; whitish irregular fascia, always reaching costa; occasionally costal and tornal spots confluent; cilia white beyond dark brown cilia-line from apex to beyond middle of termen. Frons, thorax and tegulae dark greyish brown. Flagellum dark greyish brown, faintly annulated paler. Hind tarsus dark grey, annulated whitish.
31 (28)
Vertex white, sometimes yellowish white or ochreous white, not mottled; frons and vertex concolorous. Forewing with costal and tornal spots white and conspicuous in both sexes
7.0-8.0mm. Early June to early July (in Britain also late July to early August and sometimes in October). Forewing blackish grey, variably mottled paler; median fascia, costal and tornal spots white and conspicuous in both sexes. Thorax and tegulae dark grey, mottled paler, becoming whitish posteriorly. Flagellum in male dark grey throughout, in female barred paler.
Vertex ranging from pale greyish to dark greyish brown, often mottled; frons usually paler than vertex. Forewing with pale markings obsolescent in male
Frons from whitish or yellowish to grey.
32 (31)
Frons grey or greyish, sometimes pale grey, often mottled
Generally smaller species, 5.0-7.0mm (largest specimen 7.5mm). Late April to early September. Forewing in male mottled greyish brown, in female pale grey to fascia, plain blackish brown beyond; fascia in male indistinct and narrow, in female wide, whitish; occasionally terminal cilia unicolorous dark grey (cilia near apex not white). Vertex grey to dark grey, mottled, darker than frons. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown, often mottled. Flagellum unicolorous blackish brown in male, indistinctly annulated pale grey in female.
Frons white, whitish, creamy or pale beige, not mottled
Generally larger species, 6.3-8.0mm.
33 (32)
Neck tufts greyish brown, mottled, concolorous with thorax
6.5-8.0mm. Late April to early August. Forewing in male dark brownish grey, mottled paler; in female pale grey to fascia, blackish brown beyond, less mottled; whitish fascia in male less distinct, narrowing to or not reaching costa, in female broader and almost of equal width; costal and tornal spots ill-defined in male, in female distinct. Frons whitish, pale beige or pale grey becoming mottled grey on vertex. Thorax and tegulae mottled dark greyish brown and whitish. Flagellum indistinctly annulated or dark throughout in male, in female always ringed paler.
Neck tufts whitish, pale grey or pale beige, not mottled and paler than thorax
6.3-8.0mm. Early May to mid August. Forewing greyish brown to dark brown, mottled paler, in female basal area paler; whitish fascia indistinct or almost absent in male, in female more distinct; costal and tornal spots distinct in female, in male usually faintly indicated. Frons from whitish to beige, vertex white, mottled dark greyish brown or unicolorous blackish brown. Thorax and tegulae whitish, heavily mottled dark greyish brown. Flagellum dark greyish brown throughout in both sexes.
34 (27)
Forewing brownish grey with creamy dorsal patch at one-half and without pale costal and tornal spots
See couplet 5.
Forewing dark-coloured with at least pale costal and tornal spots, occasionally confluent
35 (34)
Forewing with pale costal and tornal spots, without other pale markings
Forewing with costal and tornal spots never confluent, often indistinct, particularly dorsal spot; reminiscents of pale fascia sometimes present. Flagellum unicolorous dark.
Forewing with pale costal and tornal spots and other pale markings
Forewing with costal and tornal spots sometimes confluent; median fascia sometimes indistinct.
36 (35)
Forewing with costal and tornal spots distinct
Forewing with costal and tornal spots more or less obscure
37 (36)
Forewing with costal spot beyond tornal spot; reminiscents of pale fascia always present, at least on dorsum or in fold at one-third a few ochreous white scales
Elachista alpinella (male, part)
9.0-13.0mm. Late June to mid September. Forewing blackish brown with ochreous white costal and tornal spots. Frons, vertex, thorax, tegulae and flagellum ochreous brown to blackish brown. Hind tarsus dark greyish brown, annulated whitish. See couplets 55 and 64 and for female couplet 49.
Forewing with costal spot opposite to tornal spot; reminiscents of pale fascia absent.
E. humilis (part, male)
9.0-10.0mm. Late May to late July. Forewing blackish brown, markings whitish. Frons greyish, slightly brownish; vertex, thorax, tegulae and flagellum blackish brown, the latter slightly thickened by raised scales. Hind tarsus greyish, faintly annulated whitish. For female see couplet 60.
38 (36)
Flagellum with raised scales on distal part of each segment giving flagellum a strongly serrate appearance throughout (male) or only serrate towards apex (female)
6.5-9.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing brownish grey, suffused with reddish brown and grey scales; white markings obsolete. Frons, vertex and neck-tufts ochreous yellow to greyish brown. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown. Flagellum greyish brown with fine whitish cilia. Hind tarsus pale grey, faintly annulated. See for male also couplet 8, for female couplet 17.
Flagellum not serrate
39 (38)
Forewing dark brownish grey, mottled; base of cilia white before blackish brown cilia-line, beyond cilia-line grey
E. subnigrella (male, part)
7.0-8.5mm. Late April to mid August. Forewing with scale bases paler, giving it a mottled overall-picture; indistinct ochreous white fascia before middle and some indistinct spots of same colour. Frons, vertex thorax and tegulae brownish grey, mottled brownish. Flagellum unicolorous brownish grey. Hind tarsus grey with whitish rings. For male see also couplet 9, for female couplet 59.
Forewing beige to greyish brown, mottled; cilia before and beyond dark cilia-line whitish grey or ochreous grey
40 (39)
Frons (ochreous) and vertex (slightly darker) distinctly paler than thorax (dark grey). Hind tarsus almost uniform grey
E. canapennella (male, part)
8.0-10.0mm. Late April to early October. Forewing greyish brown, mottled darker distally; costal and tornal spots pale beige, indistinct. Flagellum unicolorous grey. See also couplet 7 for male, for female see couplet 52.
Frons and vertex brownish grey, thorax slightly darker, not contrasting. Hind tarsus dark brown, annulated whitish to a greater or lesser extent
E. orstadii (male, part)
7.0-9.0mm. Late May to July (in Scotland, in Southern Fennoscandia also in August). Forewing beige to brownish grey, mottled paler; indistinct pattern, made up of pale fascia and tornal and costal spots. Flagellum greyish, slightly annulated paler. See for male also couplet 9, for female couplet 53.
41 (35)
Forewing with pale markings shining metallic
Forewing with pale markings whitish, without metallic sheen (sometimes silky white)
42 (41)
Frons, vertex and neck-tufts shining white
8.0-9.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing blackish grey with distinct markings; fascia from costa to fold outwardly oblique and then almost perpendicular to dorsum, narrowed and sometimes interrupted at fold; cilia-line black and distinct. Frons, vertex and neck-tufts in preserved specimens sometimes discolouring into ochreous white or ochreous.
Frons, vertex and neck-tufts not white, frons sometimes yellowish white to bone white
43 (42)
Forewing with conspicuous black dot near dorsum at two-thirds
5.0-7.5mm. Mid May to early June. Forewing shining dark greyish brown; fascia often incomplete, costal and tornal spots often confluent, all metallic silvery. Frons blackish brown in male, dark coppery brown in female. Vertex, thorax and tegulae shining blackish brown. Flagellum blackish, serrate in male.
Forewing without conspicuous black dot
44 (43)
Forewing with third shining white or silvery white spot in distal area between tornal spot and apex, sometimes reduced to a few scales
Forewing with no trace of third pale spot in distal area
45 (44)
Frons shining yellowish white to bone white
7.5-11.0mm. Late April to late May, late June to early August. Forewing blackish brown with particularly in apical area scales with paler bases; fascia narrowed or interrupted on fold, costal spot large, tornal spot sometimes reduced, all shining white. Vertex whitish; neck-tufts, thorax, tegulae and flagellum greyish brown. Summer generation smaller.
Frons shining metallic silvery to plumbeous grey
6.5-7.5mm. Mid May to late July. Similar to E. apicipunctella. Forewing with pale markings more silvery, fascia less oblique to costa, with basal silvery marking in male, but without metallic wing base in female.
46 (44)
Forewing with median fascia originating from dorsum, extending only to halfway
8.0-9.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing dark bronzy brown; markings golden silvery: fascia near base, incomplete median fascia, costal and tornal spots (the latter sometimes confluent). Frons and vertex dark coppery brown; thorax and tegulae blackish brown. Flagellum dark brown throughout in male, in female with white distal third.
Forewing with median fascia reaching costa
8.0-9.0mm. May and early June; abroad also in August. Forewing blackish brown; fascia near base and another just before one-half, costal and tornal spots, all shining silvery. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae shining greyish brown. Flagellum blackish brown, except for five white segments at two-thirds.
47 (41)
Frons white, yellowish white or yellow, sometimes tinged orange
Frons pale ochreous to dark greyish brown
48 (47)
Vertex white or whitish, neck-tufts contrasting brown or blackish
Vertex and neck-tufts concolorous
49 (48)
Forewing with cilia greyish brown, distinct blackish cilia-line. Flagellum whitish, annulated or barred brown, at least in basal part
E. alpinella (part, female)
9.0-13.0mm. Late June to mid September. Forewing brown; fascia to beyond middle but never completely reaching costa, costal and tornal spots, all white or whitish. Frons and vertex whitish, somewhat yellowish. Neck-tufts, thorax and tegulae brown. Hind tarsus blackish brown, annulated white. See couplets 37, 55 and 64 for male.
Forewing with cilia blackish grey, cilia-line absent. Flagellum unicolorous dark grey.
7.0-9.0mm. Early May to mid June. Forewing blackish; base white, broad fascia before and another beyond middle, both also white and complete. Frons and vertex whitish. Neck-tufts, thorax and anterior part of tegulae blackish, posterior part of tegulae whitish. Hind tarsus unicolorous grey.
50 (48)
Frons, vertex and neck-tufts bright yellowish orange, sometimes pale ochreous yellow.
8.5-10.5mm. Late May to mid July. Forewing dark greyish brown; the slightly outwardly bent fascia ans the rather small costal and tornal spots, all ochreous white, the latter often indistinct; cilia-line dark brown and indistinct. Thorax and tegulae blackish brown. Flagellum greyish brown. Hind tarsus greyish with white rings, sometimes indistinct.
Frons, vertex and neck-tufts shining white, in preserved specimens tending to discolour to ochreous
See couplet 42.
51 (47)
Vertex ochreous, pale beige or covered with dark edged pale ochreous scales
Vertex dark brown or greyish
52 (51)
Vertex distinctly paler than thorax, ochreous and dark grey respectively
E. canapennella (part, female)
Forewing with fascia pale beige. See for male couplets 7 and 40.
Vertex and thorax concolorous
53 (52)
Smaller species. 7.0-9.0mm. Forewing with three dark streaks, one in fold at two-thirds, one above this and another distal to the latter
E. orstadii (part, female)
Forewing with basal part mottled brown and whitish, mottled blackish beyond fascia; fascia white, almost straight, distinctly edged outwardly. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae mottled brown and whitish. Flagellum distinctly annulated in basal part. For male see couplets 9 and 40.
Larger species, 9.0-13.0mm. Forewing without three dark streaks
54 (53)
Forewing with apical half of terminal cilia pale ochreous to ochreous
See couplets 30, 60 and 64.
Forewing with terminal cilia greyish brown or dark grey
55 (54)
Forewing with median fascia not reaching costa, at most touching costa
E. alpinella (male, part)
Forewing dark greyish brown; fascia, costal and tornal spots whitish, sometimes whitish suffusion between fascia and tornal spot. Vertex ochreous brown; frons, neck-tufts, thorax and tegulae similar. Flagellum unicolorous dark greyish brown. Hind tarsus dark greyish brown, annulated whitish. See also couplets 37 and 64 for male and for female 49.
Forewing with median fascia broadly reaching costa
E. atricomella (part, female)
Forewing blackish brown; fascia from one-third of costa to middle of dorsum, costal and tornal spots, all whitish. Vertex ochreous; frons, thorax and tegulae similar. Flagellum blackish, annulated grey. Hind tarsus blackish, annulated white. See for male couplets 58 and 63.
56 (51)
Forewing with median fascia complete, sometimes obsolete near dorsum
Forewing with median fascia indistinct, interrupted or not completely reaching costa
57 (56)
Forewing with median fascia sharply angulate in middle
E. pomerana (part)
8.0-10.0mm. Late April to September (in Britain). Forewing shining grey with scattered blackish, grey-tipped scales; irregular, V-shaped fascia (pointing outward), costal and tornal spots, all white. Frons, vertex, neck-tufts, thorax and tegulae dark grey. Flagellum dark grey, sometimes annulated in basal half. Hind tarsus grey, indistinctly annulated white. See couplet 62.
Forewing with median fascia not sharply angulate in middle
58 (57)
Forewing with median fascia distinctly narrowed in middle
E. atricomella (male, part)
See also couplet 63 for male, 55 for female.
Forewing with median fascia not distinctly narrowed in middle
59 (58)
Smaller species, 7.0-8.5mm
E. subnigrella (part, female)
Forewing greyish brown, mottled by pale grey, brownish grey tipped scales; fascia narrow, costal and tornal spots (the latter somewhat confluent), all white; base of terminal cilia white before blackish cilia-line, beyond cilia-line grey. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark grey. Flagellum greyish brown, annulated white in basal part. Hind tarsus grey, annulated whitish. See couplets 9 and 39 for male.
Larger species, 9.0-11.0mm
60 (59)
Tegulae grey with posterior margin whitish
See couplets 30, 54 and 64.
Tegulae unicolorous greyish (mottled)
E. humilis (part, female)
Forewing blackish brown, basal part paler; fascia wide, straight, costal and tornal spots, all white. Frons, vertex, neck-tufts and thorax dark greyish brown. Flagellum unicolorous blackish grey. See couplet 37 for male.
61 (56)
Forewing with median fascia sharply angulate in middle
Forewing with median fascia straight or nearly so
62 (61)
Forewing with median fascia bent outwards above fold and again below fold, forming a Z; fascia followed by an area, darker than ground colour
8.0-12.0mm. May and June, August and early September. Forewing dark greyish brown; fascia, costal and tornal spots, all greyish white. Frons and vertex dark greyish brown, thorax and tegulae blackish brown. Flagellum unicolorous dark greyish brown in male, in female annulated white, at least partly. Hind tarsus annulated whitish.
Forewing with median fascia bent outwards only once, forming a V; fascia not followed by an area, darker than ground colour
E. pomerana (part)
Forewing with fascia constricted or interrupted in fold. Frons and vertex brownish grey. Neck tufts and tegulae dark brown. Thorax dark brown anteriorly, whitish grey along posterior margins. See couplet 57.
63 (61)
Forewing with median fascia broadly reaching costa
E. atricomella (part, male)
9.5-13.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing blackish brown; median fascia (usually interrupted), costal and tornal spots, all whitish. Frons ochreous, vertex and neck-tufts dark grey, thorax and tegulae blackish brown. Flagellum brownish throughout. Hind tarsus blackish brown, annulated white. See for female couplet 55.
Forewing with median fascia not reaching costa
64 (63)
Tegulae unicolorous blackish brown
E. alpinella (male, part)
Forewing dark greyish brown; fascia, costal and tornal spots, all white or whitish. Frons, vertex, thorax and flagellum blackish brown. See for male also couplets 37 and 55 and for female 49.
Tegulae grey with caudal margin whitish
See couplets 30, 54 and 60.

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