
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Forewing unicolorous, also metallic golden
Forewing sometimes uniformly suffused, occasionally with ill-defined paler area.
Forewing with markings, such as pale longitudinal streaks, dark stigmata or dark scaling in one or more areas of the wing
2 (1)
Forewing unicolorous metallic golden, bronzy green or purplish
Forewing sometimes shining, e.g. C. albitarsa (couplet 13).
Forewing coloured otherwise
3 (2)
Antenna with flagellum ringed white and blackish in apical three-fifth
9.5-13.0mm. June to early August. Forewing metallic golden green, darker and with purple reflections towards apex. Basal half of flagellum thickened with shining metallic scales.
Antenna with flagellum white or greyish white in apical portion
Occasionally flagellum almost unicolorous dark.
4 (3)
Antenna with base of flagellum conspicuously thickened with slightly projecting lustrous scales from base to between one-fifth and one-third
11.0-15.0mm. June to early August. Forewing metallic golden green with purplish reflection, darker towards apex.
Antenna with base of flagellum thickened with adjacent shining scales on basal two or three segments only
5 (4)
Larger species, 14.5-20.0mm. Labial palpus with third segment distinctly shorter than second
Late May to early August. Forewing metallic golden green, darker and with slight purplish reflection towards apex. Head with upper margin of eye edged yellowish orange, lower margin with pale ochreous hairs.
Smaller species, 11.0-15.0mm. Labial palpus with third segment almost of equal length as second
Late May to late August. Forewing bronzy green, darker with purplish reflection towards apex. Head with upper and lower margins of eye dark coloured.
6 (2)
Forewing unicolorous pure white
White appearance of forewing may occur in worn specimens of species with dark scales or indistinct longitudinal yellow markings. See couplet 88.
Forewing not unicolorous white
7 (6)
Antenna with flagellum unicolorous, occasionally spotted blackish below
Antenna with flagellum not unicolorous
8 (7)
Flagellum white, spotted blackish below
See couplets 53 and 102.
Flagellum grey or dark greyish brown throughout its length
9 (8)
Flagellum slightly thickened with appressed dark scales to beyond middle
7.5-10.0mm. May and June. Frons, vertex, thorax and forewing shining dark greyish brown. Flagellum usually annulated in distal part. See couplet 12.
Flagellum not thickened in basal half
Forewing not shining.
10 (9)
Smaller species, 8.0-11.0mm. Forewing greyish
C. laricella (part)
Mid May to early July. Flagellum sometimes annulated. Labial palpus unusually short for a coleophorid moth. See couplet 17
Larger species, 10.5-14.0mm. Forewing from ochreous brown to blackish brown, occasionally with ferruginous tinge
Rare form with flagellum dark throughout. See couplet 21.
11 (7)
Antenna with flagellum unicolorous dark in basal half, distal part white or ringed (sometimes indistinctly)
Antenna with flagellum ringed or barred, at least partly (not unicolorous in basal half), but sometimes indistinctly
12 (11)
Antenna with flagellum dark coloured to two-thirds, distal part white
9.0-11.0mm. Late May and June. Frons, vertex, thorax and forewing shining dark greyish brown. Exceptionally some dark rings in basal part of white apical third.
Antenna with flagellum dark coloured to beyond middle, distal part more or less distinctly ringed
See couplet 9.
13 (11)
Antenna with flagellum obscurely ringed or barred throughout or distinctly ringed or barred, but not to apex
Antenna with flagellum distinctly ringed or barred to apex
14 (13)
Forewing shining dark greyish brown to blackish; mid and hind tarsus whitish
10.0-13.0mm. June to August. Antenna with first three to seven segments of flagellum thickened with lustrous scales. Frons, vertex and thorax metallic golden green.
Forewing yellowish, ochreous or brownish, sometimes greyish brown to blackish, but in that case not shining; mid and hind tarsus not whitish
15 (14)
Vertex shining ochreous grey. Hind leg with tibia ochreous yellow
Coleophora lutarea (part, male)
10.0-12.0mm. Late April to late May. Forewing shining ochreous grey, somewhat bronzy. Frons pale ochreous grey. Flagellum indistinctly annulated white and dark throughout. See for female couplet 26.
Vertex not shining ochreous grey. Tibia hind leg not ochreous yellow
16 (15)
Abdomen with first tergite strongly sclerotized in the form of a broad naked shield with two rows of peg-like spines
12.0-16.0mm. Mid July to early September. Specimens without stigmata on forewing and with flagellum annulated whitish and dark grey, obsolete apically. Forewing ochreous to dark brown or ferruginous often with dark scaling, especially near apex. See couplets 28 and 50.
Abdomen with first tergite without conspicuous sclerotization
17 (16)
Flagellum pale grey, obscurely ringed dark grey to beyond middle of flagellum
C. laricella (part)
See couplet 10.
Flagellum white or whitish, usually distinctly ringed ochreous to blackish brown to middle of flagellum
18 (17)
Forewing pale ochreous with an indistinct and irregular scattering of blackish to ferruginous scales
C. salinella (part)
Flagellum ringed whitish and ochreous to two-thirds, apical third whitish. See couplets 62 and 141.
Forewing unicolorous or with dark-tipped scales only in apical area
19 (18)
Forewing ochreous, sometimes tinged slightly orange or greyish, with paler area near costa in basal half of wing, often tending to golden yellow
11.0-13.5mm. June and July. Forewing glossy. Flagellum white, ringed dark brown, except towards apex, sometimes indistinctly.
Forewing unicolorous
20 (19)
Second segment of labial palpus scarcely tufted
Second segment of labial palpus with small or moderate apical tuft
21 (20)
Labial palpus with third segment three-quarters length of second segment
Forewing ochreous, often slightly tinged greyish, costa sometimes paler. Usually flagellum ringed to apex. See couplets 38, 40, 59 and 62.
Labial palpus with third segment half as long as second segment
10.5-14.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing from ochreous brown to blackish brown, occasionally with ferruginous tinge. Flagellum barred or ringed distinctly in proximal half, weakly or not in distal half. Similar to C. binderella in general appearance, but usually larger and with abdomen dark brown beneath, not silvery grey as in C. binderella (sometimes less pronounced). See couplet 10.
22 (20)
Forewing deep ochreous, often tinged greyish, or ochreous orange
Forewing dark greyish brown, often slightly tinged brownish, or dark ferruginous
23 (22)
Forewing ochreous orange; inner dorsal cilia dark grey. Hindwing blackish grey
Rare form with flagellum not annulated throughout. See couplet 41.
Forewing deep ochreous, often tinged greyish; inner dorsal cilia concolorous with wing. Hindwing grey
10.0-13.5mm. Late May to early August. Flagellum ringed or barred to beyond middle, sometimes nearly to apex. Vertex often with pale stripe above eye, extending to scapus.
24 (22)
Forewing shining ferruginous brown, often tinged blackish brown. Abdomen silvery grey beneath, sometimes less pronounced
8.0-12.0mm. Late June to early August. Flagellum ringed to beyond middle, occasionally to near apex; rings fainter towards apex or sometimes obsolete throughout. Similar to C. serratella (see couplet 21).
Forewing more or less shining brownish or ochreous, often tinged slightly greyish. Abdomen not unicolorous silvery grey beneath
25 (24)
Flagellum ringed to about three-quarters or beyond, occasionally less distinct
12.0-15.0mm. June and July. Forewing shining ochreous grey with darker tipped scales towards apex.
Flagellum ringed or barred to middle or slightly beyond
10.5-14.0mm. June and July. Forewing brownish grey, slightly shining, without darker tipped scales.
26 (13)
Abdomen with first six or seven tergites without naked, paired patches with short spines
Coleophora lutarea (part, female)
12.0-14.0mm. Flagellum distinctly annulated white and dark throughout. See for male couplet 15.
Abdomen with first six or seven tergites each with a pair of naked patches with short spines
27 (26)
Flagellum thickened with scales at base for two segments to one-quarter of flagellum
Flagellum not thickened with scales at base
28 (27)
Abdomen with first tergite strongly sclerotized in the form of a broad naked shield with two rows of peg-like spines
Specimens without stigmata on forewing and flagellum annulated throughout. See couplets 16 and 50.
Abdomen with first tergite without such a naked shield
Form without stigmata on forewing. See couplet 49.
29 (27)
Wingspan 6.0-8.0mm. Labial palpus short, at most one and a half times eye-diameter
Late May to early August. Forewing comparatively narrow, greyish brown.
Wingspan over 8.0mm. Labial palpus at least one and a half times eye-diameter
30 (29)
Forewing unicolorous blackish brown
Forewing varying from yellowish to grey and greyish brown
31 (30)
Forewing shining or bronzy
Vertex metallic.
Forewing not shining or bronzy
Vertex not metallic, paler than forewing.
32 (31)
Tarsus of foreleg and midleg ochreous grey inwardly, dark greyish brown outwardly. Labial palpus with inner side ochreous brown, outer side ochreous darkening distally
9.0-13.0mm. Late May and June. Forewing shining blackish brown. Tarsus of hindleg with segments narrowly barred paler distally.
Tarsus of foreleg and midleg whitish inwardly, dark greyish brown outwardly. Labial palpus wholly dark greyish brown
8.0-10.0mm. Late June and July. Forewing shining blackish brown or dark bronzy.
33 (31)
Foreleg with tarsal segments unicolorous dark grey or only slightly paler distally
8.5-12.0mm. Late June to early August. Reliable identification of this and the two following species only on genitalic characters; the external characters used here give only an indication of their identity.
Foreleg with tarsal segments dark grey, each with conspicuous pale distal band
34 (33)
Generally larger species, 10.5-14.0mm. Vertex yellowish grey, sometimes darker
Late June to early August.
Generally smaller species, 9.0-13.0mm. Vertex dark greyish brown
Late June to early August.
35 (30)
Forewing with greyish appearance, caused by uniform dark grey coarse irroration on whitish ground
Form without the second discal stigma. See couplets 48 and 94.
Forewing not greyish, caused by dark grey irroration
36 (35)
Forewing greyish or greyish brown
Forewing yellowish, sometimes with orange tinge, or ochreous
37 (36)
Midleg brownish with tarsal segments distally with narrow whitish spots above
C. gryphipennella (part, male)
10.5-14.0mm. Late May to early July. Forewing greyish brown. Males can be identified without dissection, brushing away scales from the abdomen the sacculus can be inspected which ends in an exceptional long process, absent in all similar Coleophora species. See for female couplet 46.
Midleg with tarsal segments ringed
38 (37)
Midleg dark brown with tarsal segments broadly ringed white, only narrow dark rings remain
C. vitisella (part, male)
10.0-13.0mm. May and June. Forewing brownish grey. Male genitalia with sacculus ending in a broad point (see preceding species). See for female couplet 46.
Midleg brownish with tarsal segments narrowly ringed yellowish distally
Form with greyish forewing, usually paler along costa. See couplets 21, 40 (genitalic characters), 59 and 62.
39 (36)
Forewing with large areas ochreous scales, tipped brownish
Forewing without dark-tipped scales
40 (39)
Forewing ochreous, brownish ochreous or ochreous grey, not tinged yellowish orange, often with costa paler; not darkened at base of costa or towards apex
10.5-12.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing at most with scattered dark-tipped scales, especially towards apex. Flagellum white, ringed ochreous to blackish brown throughout. For genitalic characters of male see next species. See couplets 21, 38, 59 and 62.
Forewing ochreous, brownish ochreous, often more or less tinged orange, not ochreous grey, costa not paler; frequently slightly darkened at base of costa and towards apex
10.0-12.0mm. Late June to late August. Large areas of forewing with dark-tipped scales. Flagellum white, ringed ochreous to blackish brown throughout. Differences in genitalic characters of males of C. lutipennella and C. flavipennella can be inspected without dissection, the aedeagus of C. lutipennella is exceptionally large and can usually be seen projecting between the valves, in C. flavipennella the aedeagus cannot be seen without dissection. Brushing away scales from the male abdomen the sacculus can be inspected, which is edged with numerous spines, absent in C. flavipennella.
41 (39)
Forewing with dorsal cilia dark grey in tornal half, ochreous in apical half
10.5-13.0mm. Late June and July. Forewing deep ochreous, slightly tinged orange. Hindwing blackish grey. See couplet 23.
Forewing with dorsal cilia unicoloured, concolorous with wing or paler
42 (41)
Hindleg with tarsal segments unicolorous pale ochreous
Hindleg with tarsal segments ringed or barred paler, sometimes indistinct
43 (42)
Scapus ochreous white, paler than forewing
C. deviella (part)
See couplets 55 and 132.
Scapus ochreous to ochreous yellow, concolorous with forewing or slightly darker
10.0-14.0mm. June. Forewing ochreous to ochreous yellow, in male often tinged faintly greyish, slightly darker at apex.
44 (42)
Forewing underside with costal and dorsal cilia near apex yellowish, distinctly paler than rest of wing, often also apical area paler
Forewing underside unicolorous dark brownish grey, dorsal cilia greyish ochreous
45 (44)
Forewing underside with costal and dorsal cilia near apex yellow, sharply contrasting with rest of wing. Larger species, 14.0-15.0mm
Late May to early July. Forewing ochreous yellow, slightly shining.
Forewing underside with apical area yellowish grey, contrasting with rest of wing. Smaller species, 12.0-14.0mm
May and early June. Forewing greyish ochreous, smoothly scaled. Midleg with tarsal segments greyish yellow, faintly ringed whitish.
46 (44)
Midleg ochreous with tarsal segments above narrow whitish distally
C. gryphipennella (part, female)
10.5-14.0mm. Late May to early July. Forewing smoothly scaled, ochreous. See couplet 37 for male.
Midleg dark brown with tarsal segments broadly ringed white
C. vitisella (part, female)
10.0-13.0mm. May and June. Forewing rather roughly scaled, deep ochreous, more or less tinged grey. See couplet 38 for male.
47 (1)
Forewing at least with second discal stigma present
Forewing without dark stigmata
48 (47)
Flagellum not thickened in basal part. Forewing with greyish appearance
12.0-15.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing with greyish appearance produced by uniform course dark grey irroration on a whitish ground; of the stigmata only second discal present, sometimes small or obsolete. Flagellum whitish with ochreous rings, becoming blackish brown distally. See couplets 35 and 94.
Flagellum thickened in basal part from two segments to about one-third of flagellum. Forewing yellowish, ochreous or brownish, not greyish
49 (48)
Flagellum distinctly ringed white and blackish brown throughout
12.0-14.0mm. Early July to late August. Forewing ochreous, often ferruginous tinged, sometimes with uniform dark greyish brown irroration; ill-defined round second discal stigma and often also elongate plical stigma. See couplet 28.
Flagellum at least in apical part not or indistinctly ringed
50 (49)
Forewing ochreous to dark brown or ferruginous. Abdomen with first tergite strongly sclerotized in the form of a broad naked shield with two rows of peg-like spines
Forewing with second dorsal and plical stigma, first discal sometimes absent. See couplets 16 and 28.
Forewing yellow. First tergite of abdomen without naked shield with spines
12.0-14.0mm. July and August (in Central Europe). Forewing with dark scaling, more heavy towards costa and dorsum ; large second discal and plical stigmata and a very elongate first discal present.
51 (47)
Forewing with pale streak on costa at least in part; without other pale markings
Forewing with additional pale markings, or marked but without pale streak on costa.
52 (51)
Flagellum unicolorous white
Flagellum ringed, at least in part
53 (52)
Forewing ochreous tinged ferruginous with sharply contrasting white costal streak. Late June to August
11.0-13.0mm. Forewing with white costal streak to two-thirds. Labial palpus with second segment with long apical tuft as long as third segment. See couplet 91.
Forewing ochreous to greyish yellow; costal streak pale ochreous, scarcely contrasting. Late April to early June
9.0-14.0mm. Forewing with pale costal streak to middle. Second segment of labial palpus with moderate apical tuft, distinctly shorter than third segment. See couplets 8 and 102.
54 (52)
Flagellum ringed throughout
Flagellum not ringed in apical portion
55 (54)
Forewing with short narrow indistinct whitish costal streak from one-third to two-thirds
C. deviella (part)
9.0-14.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing greyish ochreous. Flagellum white, ringed brown or blackish brown throughout. See couplets 43 and 132.
Forewing with pale costal streak from base at least to middle of costa
56 (55)
Smaller species, 9.0-10.5mm
Larger species, 10.5-14.0mm
57 (56)
Forewing with dark-tipped scales on whole wing
9.0-10.5mm. Late May to July. Forewing yellowish brown. Width hindwing half-way less than half width forewing.
Forewing with dark-tipped scales nearly confined to apical area
9.0-10.0mm. June to early August. Forewing yellowish brown. Width hindwing half-way about one-half width forewing.
58 (56)
Forewing with costal streak white, sharply contrasting with greyish brown colour rest of wing
11.0-13.0mm. Late May to July (in East Germany). Flagellum distinctly annulated.
Forewing with costal streak creamy or pale greyish ochreous, not well-defined
59 (58)
Thorax concolorous with forewing. Forewing with costal streak more or less paler than rest of wing. Midleg brownish with tarsal segments narrowly ringed yellowish distally
See couplets 21, 38, 40 and 62.
Thorax paler than forewing. Forewing with costal streak cream. Midleg brownish with tarsal segments unicolorous
10.5-14.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing ochreous yellow tinged brownish grey. Flagellum annulated whitish and brownish throughout.
60 (54)
Forewing with pale costal streak ill-defined
Forewing with pale costal streak contrasting with colour rest of wing
61 (60)
Forewing with pale costal streak yellow or yellowish
11.0-13.0mm. Late May to July. Forewing yellowish brown. Flagellum white, annulated dark to near apex.
Forewing with pale costal streak ochreous white
62 (61)
Forewing brownish ochreous with scattered blackish scales between veins. Midleg brownish with tarsal segments unicolorous
C. salinella (part)
8.5-13.0mm. August; in Britain also in July. Forewing with indistinct pale costal streak. Flagellum withish, annulated ochreous brown from base to two-thirds. See couplets 18 and 141.
Forewing ochreous, brownish ochreous or ochreous grey with scattered ochreous, brown-tipped scales, especially towards apex. Midleg brownish with tarsal segments narrowly ringed yellowish distally
See couplets 21, 38, 40 and 59.
63 (60)
Forewing whitish basally, yellowish brown towards apex
12.0-14.0mm. July and early August (in England). Flagellum white, annelated dark brown from base to about two-thirds.
Forewing coloured otherwise
64 (63)
Forewing with yellowish to brownish appearance
Forewing with greyish appearance, sometimes with slight brownish tinge
65 (64)
Forewing with pale costal streak to just beyond middle, almost white in male, creamy in female. Vertex yellowish white in male, more ochreous yellow in female.
10.0-13.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing ochreous yellow to ochreous. Flagellum white, barred ochreous above to three-quarters.
Forewing with pale costal streak to two-thirds, creamy yellow. Vertex ochreous brown
12.0-14.0mm. Late May to August. Forewing ochreous to brown, often with greyish tinge. Flagellum white, annulated brownish to five-sixth.
66 (64)
Labial palpus at least with outer side third segment blackish brown below
Flagellum annulated.
Labial palpus greyish white to ochreous grey below
Flagellum annulated or barred, exceptionally white throughout; for specimens with flagellum unicolorous white see also couplet 102.
67 (66)
Forewing with pale costal streak to middle, usually weak and narrow. Flagellum annulated from base to between five-sixth and apex. Generally larger species, 12.0-14.0mm. (rarely very small specimens to 10.0mm occur)
Examined more closely the inconspicuous pale lines between veins can often be seen. See couplet 103.
Forewing with pale costal streak to two-thirds, distinct. Flagellum annulated from base to between two-thirds and five-sixth. Generally smaller species, 8.0-12.0mm
Late May to July. Forewing shining greyish brown; costal whitish or creamy. Labial palpus blackish brown below.
68 (66)
Flagellum barred above from base to between one-half and three-quarters
9.5-13.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing greyish or dark greyish; costal streak to two-thirds, whitish or creamy. Labial palpus ochreous grey, whitish below. Flagellum occasionally not barred or barred throughout. See couplet 104
Flagellum ringed from base to between one-half and five-sixth
8.0-10.5mm. Mid May to early July. Forewing greyish; costal streak to two-thirds, narrow, creamy. Labial palpus ochreous grey below. Flagellum occasionally unringed or ringed to near apex.
69 (51)
Forewing at least with one silvery longitudinal streak
Forewing without silvery streaks
70 (69)
Larger species, 15.0-21.0mm. Flagellum clothed with pale hair scales on upperside in basal two-fifth; scape with long pale ochreous tuft of hair scales
Smaller species, 8.0-11.0mm. Flagellum not clothed with pale hair scales in basal two-fifth; scape without such a long tuft of hair scales
71 (70)
Forewing distinctly falcate; three long silvery streaks from base
16.0-21.0mm. Early July to early August. Forewing pale yellow or pale ochreous yellow, apical area suffused with brownish; subcostal silvery streak present.
Forewing weakly falcate; two long silvery streaks from base
15.0-19.0mm. July and August (in England). Forewing pale ochreous yellow, suffused ferruginous, particularly between veins towards costa; subcostal silvery streak absent.
72 (70)
Larger species, 10.0-11.0mm. Forewing weakly falcate; ochreous orange, apex not darkened; three silver metallic streaks from base
Early July to early August. Hindtibia smooth.
Smaller species, 8.0-10.0mm. Forewing not falcate; deep yellow with blackish apex; one silver metallic streak from base
Late June to late July. Hindtibia rough-haired.
73 (69)
Antennal scape with tuft, sometimes small or reduced in worn specimens
To this alternative mainly belong species with ground colour forewing white or whitish, variably suffused with greyish brown or ochreous yellow and also species with forewing yellowish or brownish with some white longitudinal streaks.
Antennal scape without tuft
74 (73)
Forewing yellowish or brownish with some longitudinal white streaks, but always without white streaks on or between veins towards costa in apical one-third
Forewing white or whitish variably suffused with greyish brown or ochreous yellow or less often with all veins clearly and narrowly marked with brown scales appearing as white streaks towards costa in apical one-third
75 (74)
Flagellum white, not annulated
Flagellum annulated white and dark brown
76 (75)
Forewing with white costal streak
15.0-19.0mm. July and August (in Germany). Forewing yellowish; white costal streak originating at some distance from base.
Forewing with white subcostal streak, reaching or touching costa at four-fifth
77 (76)
Forewing with ground colour deep ochreous yellow; not distinctly darker between subcostal and middle streaks
17.0-24.0mm. Late July and August.
Forewing with ground colour pale yellow; between subcostal and middle streaks a brown wedge from one-third to apex
13.0-19.0mm. Late June and July (in England).
78 (75)
Forewing with discal streak extending to termen and continued into fringe
12.0-15.0mm. June and July (in Germany). Forewing ochreous yellow; three white streaks, between costal and middle streaks a brown wedge.
Forewing with discal streak not reaching termen
79 (78)
Forewing with very fine white longitudinal streaks, particularly middle streak which is largely concealed in fold; middle streak straight
14.0-18.0mm. Late June to August (in Germany). Forewing yellow gradually browner towards apex. Antennal scape with length tuft one and a half times length scape (in fresh specimens).
Forewing with at least costal and middle streaks broad and distinct; middle streak slightly angled distally
80 (79)
Antennal scape with tuft ochreous yellow; length tuft hardly exceeding length scape (in fresh specimens). Labial palpus longer than head
12.0-15.5mm. Mid May to early July. Forewing pale ochreous yellow, suffused ochreous grey, especially towards costa and apex.
Antennal scape with tuft grey; length tuft at least one and a half times length scape (in fresh specimens). Labial palpus shorter than head
11.0-14.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing ochreous brown, tinged dark grey costally and towards apex.
81 (74)
Forewing white with all veins (also veins towards costa) clearly and narrowly marked with brown scales; without brownish scaling in rest of wing
Flagellum unicolorous white, not annulated or barred.
Forewing white or whitish, variably suffused with greyish brown or ochreous yellow, often concentrated on veins
Flagellum ringed, barred or unicolorous.
82 (81)
Forewing with dark suffusion of vein 12 continued uninterrupted along costa to apex
14.0-18.0mm, sometimes smaller. July and August (in Germany). Antennal scape with tuft greyish yellow; flagellum unicolorous white.
Forewing with dark suffusion of vein 12 terminating at its end at middle of costa, followed by a whitish interruption and continued as narrow dark lines along costa to apex
14.0-16.0mm. June and July (in Germany). Antennal scape with tuft grey; flagellum unicolorous greyish white.
83 (81)
Forewing white, always with scattered ochreous to dark brown scales, not concentrated on the veins, but sometimes slightly denser in apical area; costal cilia in apical area from whitish to pale yellowish grey. Flagellum white throughout or faintly annulated white and brownish
Forewing never almost unicolorous white or for the greater part densely suffused darker.
Forewing white, sometimes slightly silvery; dark suffusion (from ochreous to blackish brown) varying from a few scales to suffusion of whole wing except basal area; dark scales concentrated on veins; costal cilia in apical area from yellowish grey to blackish, sometimes whitish tipped. Flagellum annulated (from distinct to rather indistinct), often white or barred basally, occasionally white throughout
Forewing with darker veins sometimes only visible in apical area.
84 (83)
Flagellum white throughout or faintly annulated white and ochreous (usually rings more distinct beneath). Forewing chalk-white with scattered pale ochreous scales (sometimes somewhat greyish)
13.0-16.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with costal cilia in apical area unicolorous whitish, yellowish grey or pale brownish. labial palpus white inwardly, ochreous grey outwardly. Hindtibia without greyish longitudinal line.
Flagellum annulated white and ochreous and dark brown, but never very distinct (occasionally unicolorous). Forewing white with scattered deep ochreous to dark brown scales
12.5-17.0mm. Late June to late July. Hindtibia often with greyish longitudinal line. Forewing with costal cilia usually dark-tipped in apical area; dark scaling on wing denser than in C. albidella. labial palpus white inwardly, brownish grey outwardly. Hindtibia often with greyish longitudinal line.
85 (83)
Forewing with veins always broadly marked ochreous yellow and suffused more or less with brown or blackish brown scales
Forewing with veins scattered with ochreous or yellowish scales or without darker scales; sometimes suffused darker
86 (85)
Forewing with ground colour whitish, only darkened in apical area; in distal one-third three short darker lines on the veins towards costa
13.0-17.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing with veins broadly marked ochreous yellow in basal two-thirds, in distal one-third veins more brown and also brown suffusion towards apex.
Forewing with ground colour white, somewhat silvery; darkened in distal three-fourth; in distal one-third only one short dark line on vein 9
11.0-14.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing with veins broadly marked ochreous yellow in basal area, in distal three-fourth white ground colour and ochreous yellow veins suffused with blackish brown.
87 (85)
Forewing with inner costal cilia whitish, outer greyish brown, not white-tipped. Labial palpus wholly white. Flagellum faintly or not annulated
9.5-15.5mm. Mid June to mid July. Forewing pure white, subdorsal area often pale yellowish; yellow scaling almost exclusively on longitudinal veins, mixed with dark brown scales.
Forewing with costal cilia grey or greyish brown, white tipped. Labial palpus ochreous grey or dark greyish brown outwardly, white inwardly. Flagellum more or less distinctly annulated
88 (87)
Generally larger species, 14.0-20.0mm.
Mid June to early August. Forewing white, more or less darkened apically, usually with indistinct pale yellowish veins, suffused blackish brown apically; forewing with costal cilia brown to blakish brown at base, pale greyish brown distally, near apex often unicolorous dark brown.
Generally smaller species, 10.0-15.0mm.
Late May to early August. Forewing from almost unicolorous pure white (without yellowish or dark scaling) to white with darkened apical area; veins usually marked indistinct pale yellowish, suffused blackish brown apically; forewing with costal cilia dark greyish brown at base brown or pale brown distally, near apex often unicolorous dark brown. See couplet 6.
89 (73)
Forewing brownish or yellowish with two to four white longitudinal streaks, without white streaks on veins towards costa in apical one-third
Forewing with pale streaks on costa and on or between veins (also towards costa in apical area), sometimes indistinct, incomplete or with dark scaling, occasionally without pale streaks
90 (89)
Forewing with three comparatively broad, distinct white longitudinal streaks
12.0-14.0mm. June and July (in Central Europe). Forewing yellow, ochreous apically. Antennal scape with white hairs above.
Forewing with costal streak distinct, the others usually narrow and indistinct or obsolete
91 (90)
Forewing with only costal streak developed
See couplet 53.
Forewing in addition to distinct costal streak with at least plical streak rather distinct
92 (91)
Forewing dark brown, becoming ochreous yellow towards dorsum
12.0-16.0mm. Late June to early August. Hindtibia white with narrow golden ochreous stripe outwardly.
Forewing ochreous yellow or ochreous brown, becoming paler towards dorsum
93 (92)
Hindtibia ochreous grey with white median line outwardly
11.0-12.5mm. Late June to early August. Labial palpus one and a half times length head. Hindwing dark grey.
Hindtibia outwardly white with fine ochreous (somewhat golden) line on lower edge
10.5-13.0mm. Late June and July. Labial palpus well over two times length of head. Hindwing greyish white.
94 (89)
Forewing white, uniformly irrorated with dark grey scales, giving the wing a unicolorous greyish appearance
Forewing without a trace of darker or paler coloured veins; second discal usually present. See couplets 35 and 48.
Forewing with pale streaks on costa and on or between veins
Forewing with pale streaks sometimes indistinct, incomplete or with dark scaling.
95 (94)
Forewing without scattered dark scales
Forewing more or less with scattered dark scales, sometimes confined to apical area, or to streaks between veins thus obscuring pale streaks
96 (95)
Forewing white with veins marked yellow, ochreous yellow or greyish brown
Flagellum white throughout.
Forewing yellowish, ochreous to greyish brown with narrow white lines between veins
Flagellum annulated, barred or unicolorous.
97 (96)
Forewing with vein 12 not dark-marked; veins marked yellow
Forewing with vein 12 dark-marked, at least partly; veins marked ochreous or greyish brown
98 (97)
Generally smaller species, 11.0-15.0mm. Forewing not falcate; lines on veins relatively broad and confluent in apical area, giving the wing a yellow appearance
Late June to early August. Reminiscent of C. currucipennella, but that species has its antenna annulated.
Generally larger species, 15.5-21.0mm. Forewing subfalcate; lines on veins relatively narrow and not confluent in apical area, giving the wing a whitish appearance
Early June to mid July.
99 (97)
Forewing with ochreous line along middle of cell narrow or absent. Labial palpus two times largest eye-diameter
12.0-16.5mm. July and August. Flagellum white, finely dotted blackish below in female. Reminiscent of C. serpylletorum, but in that species antennal scape with tuft.
Forewing with cell almost completely filled with greyish brown scales. Labial palpus one and a half times largest eye-diameter
11.5-15.0mm. June and July. Flagellum white.
100 (96)
Moth with appearance similar to some species of the next alternative, but only costal whitish line present, whitish lines between veins and dorsal line indiscernible
Forewing with more or less distinct pale lines on costa and between veins
Forewing sometimes with pale markings between veins only visible in apical area.
101 (100)
Forewing with pale markings other than costal streak inconspicuous, particularly pale plical streak usually absent
Forewing with distinct or rather distinct pale markings
102 (101)
Flagellum unicolorous white
9.0-14.0mm. Early May to early June. Forewing greyish yellow, sometimes tinged slightly ochreous; pale markings indistinct including costal streak. See couplets 8 and 53.
Flagellum annulated or barred, partly or throughout
103 (102)
Flagellum annulated white and brown from base to between five-sixth and apex, sometimes indistinct. Forewing with pale costal streak to middle
12.0-14.0mm (rarely small specimens to 10mm occur). Late June to late July. Forewing from ochreous to greyish brown; markings whitish to ochreous white, narrow and indistinct, particularly in worn specimens forewing almost unicolorous. In male flagellum thickened in basal third. See couplet 67.
Flagellum annulated or barred at most to five-sixth. Forewing with pale costal streak to two-thirds
In male flagellum not thickened in basal third.
104 (103)
Flagellum barred above from base to between one-half and three-quarters
See couplet 68.
Flagellum annulated (less often barred above) to one-half
10.0-13.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing ochreous, often tinged greyish, darker towards apex; markings white or whitish, indistinct except for costal streak and pale lines between veins in darker apical area. Flagellum occasionally unicolorous. See couplet 117.
105 (101)
Larger species, 13.0-17.0mm
Smaller species, 9.0-13.0mm
106 (105)
Forewing with apical area not mixed darker
Flagellum unicolorous or barred (occasionally ringed) from base to between one-half and five-sixth on upper side, spotted dark below.
Forewing with apical area strongly mixed grey, dark grey or dark brown
Flagellum annulated or barred from base to between two-fifth and nine-tenth, dark spots below absent or present.
107 (106)
Generally smaller species, 11.0-14.0mm. Flagellum white throughout or barred yellowish or ochreous from base to middle on upperside (often indistinct), distal two-thirds spotted blackish below
C. tamesis (part)
See couplet 120.
Generally larger species, 13.0-17.0mm. Flagellum barred (occasionally ringed) pale or dark ochreous from base to between one-half and five-sixth
108 (107)
Forewing with white line along costa almost to apex; costa finely edged dark ochreous near base
13.0-16.0mm. Mid June to late July. Forewing ochreous; lines pure white, sometimes slightly silvery. For rare form with scattered dark scales see couplet 147. Worn specimens may become unicolorous, except white costal line. Flagellum barred dark brown on upperside from base to between one-half and five-sixth. See also couplets 111 and 147.
Forewing with white line along costa to five-eighths (end of vein 12); costa not finely dark-edged near base
13.5-17.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing ochreous yellow with rather distinct whitish lines. Worn specimens may become greyish with pale lines obsolescent. Flagellum barred (occasionally ringed) dark brown on upperside from base to between two-thirds and three-quarters.
109 (106)
Forewing with pale veins along costal and dorsal side of cell
13.0-17.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing ochreous brown, sometimes tinged grey; lines white or yellowish white, narrow but distinct. Flagellum barred (occasionally ringed) white and pale ochreous or greyish, in male from base to two-fifth, in female to three-fifth.
Forewing with pale vein only along costal side of cell
110 (109)
Flagellum usually distinctly annulated, rarely barred. Forewing with ochreous or ochreous yellow ground colour variably mixed dark greyish brown between ends of paler costal veins
10.0-17.0mm. Late June to mid August. Flagellum annulated or barred from base to between one-half and nine-tenth. See couplet 117.
Flagellum barred
111 (110)
Generally larger species, 13.0-16.0mm. Flagellum barred on upperside, spotted dark below. Forewing with costa finely edged dark ochreous near base
See couplets 108 and 147.
Generally smaller species, 11.0-14.0mm. Flagellum barred on upperside, dark spots below absent. Forewing with costa not edged dark ochreous
See couplet 116.
112 (105)
Flagellum barred or annulated to apex, sometimes indistinct
Flagellum barred or annulated at most from base to nine-tenth, sometimes unicolorous
113 (112)
Flagellum barred, usually indistinctly. Forewing pale ochreous with hardly contrasting whitish lines
9.0-11.0mm. Early July to mid August.
Flagellum annulated. Forewing dark greyish brown or ochreous grey with more or less distinct lines
114 (113)
Forewing ochreous grey with distinct, but not sharply defined white lines
9.5-13.0mm. Late April to mid June. Worn specimens may become unicolorous glossy grey.
Forewing dark greyish brown with only white costal line broad and other lines very narrow and often reduced
10.0-12.0mm. June to August.
115 (112)
Forewing with apical area strongly mixed darker (occasionally less pronounced)
Forewing with apical area not mixed darker
116 (115)
Flagellum barred white and dark grey from base to between five-sixth and apex, occasionally unicolorous white
11.0-14.0mm. Early May to late July. Forewing from ochreous grey (sometimes darkened) to more yellowish; broad white lines between veins and white costal line. See couplet 111.
Flagellum annulated from one-half to nine-tenth, occasionally barred to one-half or unicolorous whitish
117 (116)
Forewing with costa white to three-eighths
Flagellum annulated from base to between one-half and nine-tenth, occasionally barred. See couplet 110.
Forewing with costa white or whitish to two-thirds
Flagellum sometimes whitish throughout or barred to one-half. See couplet 104.
118 (115)
Flagellum whitish grey, sometimes indistinctly barred to one-third. Forewing with pale marking on costal edge of cell not reaching from near base to base of vein11
9.5-13.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing ochreous, ochreous brown or greyish ochreous; pale lines scarcely contrasting with ground colour. This is the form without scattered dark scales. See couplets 122 and 145.
Flagellum barred or annulated to one-half or further towards apex. Forewing with pale marking on costal edge of cell reaching to base of vein 9, or sometimes vein 7
119 (118)
Forewing with white line along costa to about four-fifth
C. argentula (part)
Form without scattered dark scales on forewing. See couplet 142.
Forewing with white or whitish line along costa to about one-third
120 (119)
Forewing with white or whitish costal and plical lines rather distinct, others fine and indistinct; underside forewing grey, not tonged ochreous. Upperside and underside hindwing pale grey
9.0-12.5mm. Mid June to early August. Flagellum barred to one-half or further towards apex. Forewing pale ochreous; worn specimens glossy pale ochreous with unicolorous antenna.
Forewing with white or whitish lines moderately distinct; underside forewing ochreous grey. Hindwing grey; underside ochreous orange towards apex
C. tamesis (part)
11.0-14.0mm. Late June to early August. Flagellum barred to middle on upperside, distal two-thirds spotted blackish below, often unicolorous white. Forewing pale ochreous. See couplet 107.
121 (95)
Flagellum unicolorous white, not barred on upperside or ringed
Flagellum in female often barred on underside.
Flagellum barred on upperside or ringed, at least partly
122 (121)
Forewing with some scattered darker scales in apical area only (also between veins)
In forewing darker scales and pale lines scarcely contrasting, the wing appearing to be unicolorous yellowish or brownish grey. See also couplets 118 and 145.
Forewing with darker scales also present in basal half of wing
Forewing sometimes with only a few scattered dark scales.
123 (122)
Forewing white with ochreous veins
In forewing veins with blackish scaling of varying intensity, the wing appears to be brownish with white markings or white with ochreous markings.
Forewing ochreous with white, whitish or pale ochreous veins
In forewing veins with variable intensity of blackish scaling; exceptionally veins and rest of forewing almost concolorous with contrasting dark scaling.
124 (123)
Forewing with narrow ochreous lines on veins. Labial palpus on inner side white (at apex of second segment and on tuft ochreous), outer side ochreous
14.0-20.0mm. Late May to mid July. In forewing veins with a few blackish scales; appearing to be white with ochreous markings.
Forewing with broad ochreous lines on veins. Labial palpus ochreous on both sides, whitish on upper and lower edges
14.0-20.0mm. Late May to early July. In forewing veins with numerous blackish scales; appearing to be brownish with white markings.
125 (123)
Forewing with ochreous veins, the slightly paler coloured spaces between veins spotted with blackish scales, more heavily in apical half; blackish scales often fused to streaks
12.0-17.5mm. In this species unicolorous antennae occur only occasionally. See couplets 133 and 141.
Forewing with white or pale ochreous yellow veins and with blackish or dark brown scales throughout, more heavily in apical half; dark scales not fused to streaks and not concentrated between veins
126 (125)
Wings relatively narrow, forewing with costa distinctly curved. Flagellum dotted blackish below
C. asteris (part)
Unicolorous antennae usual in this species. See couplets 138 and 146.
Wings broader, forewing with costa almost straight. Flagellum without blackish dots below
127 (126)
Forewing ochreous, often tinged greyish; pale lines distinct and pure white, somewhat shining and with a few scattered blackish brown scales in distal half of wing
Unicolorous antennae sometimes occur. See couplets 131, 136 and 142.
Forewing yellowish, ochreous or brownish; pale lines usually indistinct and variably scaled blackish brown, usually a few scales, also in basal half of wing
Unicolorous antennae not rare in this species. Forewing sometimes almost uniform yellowish or pale ochreous, particularly in worn specimens. See couplet 146.
128 (121)
Flagellum white, barred or ringed to apex
Flagellum white, only partly barred or ringed, sometimes indistinct
129 (128)
Flagellum ringed to apex
Flagellum barred to apex
130 (129)
Forewing without pale costal streak
See couplet 134.
Forewing with pale costal streak, sometimes not originating from base or indistinct.
131 (130)
Antennal scape white above. Forewing ochreous, often tinged greyish with distinct pure white lines, sometimes shining; white costal line to four-fifth; the few scattered blackish brown scales mainly in distal half
See couplets 127, 136 and 142.
Antennal scape ochreous or brownish above. Forewing from pale ochreous to dark brown; pale lines not shining and indistinct; dark scaling varying from a few to numerous, usually concentrated on the veins
132 (131)
Forewing with very narrow inconspicuous whitish costal line from one-third to two-thirds; a few scattered dark ferruginous-tipped scales on veins
C. deviella (part)
More common are forms without scattered dark scales (see couplets 43 and 55).
Forewing with pale costal streak from base to between one-half and four-fifth, occasionally absent; more or less densely covered with dark brown to blackish scales
133 (132)
Flagellum broadened and flattened at base. Forewing with outer costal cilia pale ochreous, tipped whitish
See couplets 125 and 141.
Flagellum with base more or less cylindrical. Forewing with outer costal cilia unicolorous pale ochreous
134 (133)
Forewing with costa almost straight; costal streak yellowish or whitish, distinct. Generally larger species, 13.0-16.0mm, occasionally smaller
Late June to late August. Forewing ochreous, often tinged yellowish with pale lines only slightly paler or rarely brownish; blackish brown scales concentrated on the pale lines; sometimes these lines reduced and occasionally almost absent, the wing appearing unicolorous ochreous.
Forewing with costa slightly curved; costal streak pale ochreous, ill-defined. Generally smaller species, 9.0-14.0mm
Late June to early September. Forewing ochreous brown to greyish brown, sometimes faintly purplish; pale lines whitish, more contrasting; blackish brown scales concentrated on these lines and in apical area, sometimes fused to short streaks. Flagellum occasionally unicolorous dark brown. See also couplet 130.
135 (129)
Forewing with pale line along dorsum absent, reduced to a short streak from base or longer, but obsolete
Forewing with distinct pale line along dorsum from base extending to about one-third
136 (135)
Forewing without or with obsolete pale line along dorsum
11.0-13.0mm. July and August (in Germany). Forewing ochreous grey; costal line broad, other lines narrow and densely covered with black scales.
Forewing with pale line only at base
12.0-15.0mm. Late July to early September. Forewing ochreous, often tinged greyish; costal line white, broad, to five-sixth; other lines whitish, distinct, somewhat shining and with only a few scattered black scales. See couplets 127, 131 and 142.
137 (135)
Forewing with whitish dorsal line extending to tornus
12.0-14.5 mm. July and August (in Central Europe). Forewing pale yellow or pale ochreous with hardly contrasting broad whitish lines; only a few black scales, usually somewhat denser scaling in costal area of apical half of wing.
Forewing with pale dorsal line reaching to about one-third
138 (137)
Forewing with costa creamy white to five-eighth. Flagellum dotted blackish below
C. asteris (part)
Forewing ochreous with whitish ochreous lines and scattered blackish brown scales. Flagellum usually not barred to apex. See couplets 126 and 146.
Forewing with costa whitish to middle. Flagellum without blackish dots below
C. albicans (part)
10.0-15.0mm. July and August. Forewing ochreous with ill-defined broad whitish lines (sometimes confluent) and numerous blackish brown scales; pale specimens light ochreous with whitish lines. Flagellum occasionally not barred to apex. See couplet 148.
139 (128)
Flagellum partly ringed, sometimes indistinct
Flagellum partly barred
140 (139)
Forewing with pale lines weakly contrasting
Forewing with pale lines sharply contrasting
141 (140)
Generally smaller species, 8.5-13.0mm. Hindtibia without sharply defined dark median stripe outwardly
C. salinella (part)
July and August. Forewing ochreous; veins faintly and broadly marked pale ferruginous ochreous; scattered ferruginous to blackish scales between veins. See couplets 18 and 62.
Generally larger species, 12.0-17.5mm. Hindtibia with narrow dark median stripe outwardly
Late June to early August. Forewing pale ochreous with numerous blackish brown scales, especially towards apex. See couplets 125 and 133.
142 (140)
Generally smaller species, 9.5-13.0mm. Second segment of labial palpus with moderately long apical tuft
C. argentula (part)
July and August. Forewing ochreous; white lines narrow and distinct; usually a few scattered blackish scales, particularly on lines in central area at edges of vein markings in costal area. Occasionally flagellum barred indistinctly. See couplet 119.
Generally larger species, 12.0-15.0mm. Second segment of labial palpus with short apical tuft
Flagellum variably marked. See couplets 127, 131 and 136.
143 (139)
Forewing with pale lines scarcely contrasting with ground colour
Forewing with pale lines distinctly contrasting with ground colour
144 (143)
Forewing with numerous coarse, dark brown scales over whole wing. Flagellum broadened and thickened at base
13.0-16.0mm. Early July to early August. Forewing pale ochreous with whitish lines. Flagellum barred in proximal half (sometimes indistinct), spotted blackish below.
Forewing with a few dark scales over whole wing or confined to apical area. Flagellum not broadened and thickened at base
145 (144)
Forewing with dark scales confined to apical area, sometimes scarcely contrasting with ground colour
See couplets 118 and 122.
Forewing with dark scales over whole wing
146 (145)
Wings comparatively narrow, forewing with costa distinctly curved. Forewing with cell edged whitish costally only to base of vein 11
C. asteris (part)
10.0-15.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing ochreous with whitish lines; blackish scales particularly in middle of wing and in costal area. Flagellum barred to three-quarters. See couplets 126 and 138.
Wings comparatively broad, forewing with costa almost straight. Forewing with cell edges whitish costally to base of vein 10
10.5-15.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing ochreous yellow with whitish lines; blackish brown scales particularly in centre third. Worn specimens almost unicolorous. Flagellum barred in proximal half, spotted blackish below. See couplet 127.
147 (143)
Forewing with costa finely edged dark brown; the few scattered scales only behind white costal line
This species usually without dark scaling. See couplets 108 and 111.
Forewing with costa not edged darker; dark scales over whole wing
148 (147)
Forewing with numerous scattered blackish brown scales over whole wing
C. albicans (part)
See couplet 138.
Forewing with a few scattered dark scales on whole wing
149 (148)
Forewing with pale costal line to between three-fifth and seven-tenth, pale dorsal line to between one-third and one-half
Forewing with pale costal line to between four-fifth and nine-tenth, pale dorsal line confined to base

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