
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel


46.1 Galleriinae

Forewing with termen concave, occasionally nearly straight
25.0-40.0mm. Late |May to early October. Pronounced sexual dimorphism. Forewing in male greyish, but more ochreous costally and apically, brown-violet in female. Also labial palp and cell of forewing show marked differences between both sexes.
Forewing with termen more or less convex
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Forewing without dark transverse lines and dark discal spots
Forewing with one or two dark transverse lines (occasionally weak) and with one or two dark discal spots
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Frons almost smooth. Forewing unicolorous grey, somewhat glossy
15.0-25.0mm. Late May to early November. In female labial palpus distinctly shorter. Frons and vertex ochreous yellow.
Frons with projecting tuft of scales. Forewing greyish brown, along dorsum paler or whitish sprinkled, not glossy; veins more or less streaked dark brown
15.0-22.0mm. June and October (indoors). Alien. Labial palpus in female shorter. Frons and vertex whitish.
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Forewing with basal area whitish with a slight pinky tinge, rest of wing for the greater part darker
Aphomia sociella (part, male)
25.0-38.0mm. Late April to mid September. Forewing with two dark brown transverse lines, oblique, dentation not sharp; discal spots absent.
Forewing with basal area not paler than rest of wing
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Hindwing brown, darker towards apex and termen; cilia grey, not glossy
25.0-38.0mm. Late April to mid September. Forewing with length costa two and a half times greatest width wing; brown; two blackish brown transverse lines, dentated sharply; first blackish discal spot small, second larger.
Hindwing brownish white or whitish, often dark towards apex and termen; cilia white to greyish white, glossy
Forewing with costa three times longer than greatest width wing, occasionally slightly more than two and a half times.
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Forewing greyish violet with large yellowish spot (edged reddish brown) between both transverse dark lines
Paralipsa gularis (part, male)
21.0-32.0mm. Late May to early July (indoors). Alien. Forewing with two dark transverse lines, weakly dentate, the second pale edged distally; two small black discal spots.
Forewing from whitish ochreous through brown to nearly blackish grey, without large yellowish spot
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Hindwing with common stalk of veins 7 and 8 (originating from vein 6) to less than a quarter. Forewing greyish brown
Paralipsa gularis (part, female)
21.0-32.0mm. Late May to early July (indoors). Alien. Forewing with two brownish transverse lines, dentate, first pale edged basally, second pale edged distally; only one large black discal spot.
Hindwing with common stalk of veins 7 and 8 (originating from vein 6) to about middle. Forewing from whitish ochreous to nearly blackish
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Forewing comparatively narrow, in male with length costa three times greatest width of wing, in female three and a half times. Hindwing with vein 4 absent
Male 19.0-27.0mm, female 29.0-37.0mm. Mid June to early September. Forewing in male whitish ochreous, tinged brownish towards costa, in female brownish, often heavily suffused blackish; first transverse line obsolete, second line weak, formed of more or less distinct dark streaks on veins; blackish brown discal dots placed in a pale longitudinal streak, distal one sometimes pale-centred; dots often absent in male.
Forewing comparatively broad, in male with length costa slightly more than two and a half times greatest width of wing, in female three times. Hindwing with vein 4 present
Male 21.0-31.0mm, female 27.0-43.0mm. May to August (Central Europe). Colour and markings of wing similar to A. zelleri.

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