
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel


46.2 Phycitinae

Hindwing with vein 5 present
Hindwing with vein 5 absent
2 (1)
Labial palp slightly descending or porrect as a whole with second segment more or less ascending, not curved and with third segment porrect
Labial palp more or less ascending, third segment not porrect; labial palp usually curved upwards
3 (2)
Forewing brown or greyish with narrow white subcostal streak
Forewing without white subcostal streak
4 (3)
Forewing with ochreous yellow fascia at one quarter, preceded by a transverse band of dark projecting scales, not reaching to costa
22.0-27.0mm. April to September (Southern Europe). Labial palpus porrected, length of third segment less than half of second.
Forewing without paler fascia
18.0-26.0mm. Early June to mid August. Labial palpus porrected, slightly ascending, terminal segment nearly as long as second. Frons with rounded projection of scales. Forewing brown, sometimes tinged reddish and with an ill-defined, somewhat darker dorsal streak; discal spot blackish, small.
5 (3)
Forewing grey, tinged somewhat bluish, with white streaks. Length labial palpus less than two and a half times eye-diameter
28.5-32.0mm. May to August (Southern Europe). Frons with conical projection of scales. Forewing with dark discal spot. Hindwing hyaline.
Forewing brownish to ochreous grey with two darker transverse lines. Length labial palpus about three and a half times eye-diameter
Male 23.0-32.0mm, female 19.0-24.0mm. Mid May to early August. Frons without conical projection of scales. Length labial palpus almost four times eye-diameter. Forewing without dark discal spot.
6 (2)
Hindwing with apex of cell (upper end of transverse vein) approximately in middle of wing. In male antenna simple, sometimes scape with horny, scaled apical tooth
Hindwing with apex of cell clearly in basal half of wing. In male antenna above scapus with scale-tuft in a sinuation, sometimes less conspicuous (only some rough scales in a weak sinuation)
7 (6)
Frons, vertex, thorax and ground colour forewing pure white
26.0-35.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with about twelve larger black dots and some smaller terminal black dots.
Frons, vertex, thorax and ground colour forewing not pure white
8 (7)
Forewing greyish white with darker outer edge of first cross-line enlarged below costa into a conspicuous blackish spot
15.0-28.0mm. Alien. Forewing with dorsal half slightly darker, often somewhat reddish-tinged.
Forewing without conspicuous dark spot below costa at two-fifth
9 (8)
Forewing rather unicolorous, predominantly greyish or blackish brown without reddish, purplish, ferruginous or deep ochreous tinge; only marked with two often indistinct whitish cross-lines, discal dots indistinct or absent
Forewing at least partly predominantly deep ochreous, reddish brown, dark purplish brown or purplish grey, usually with cross-lines and dark discal dots
10 (9)
Labial palpus with third segment almost of equal length as second or distinctly longer
Labial palpus with third segment much shorter than second
11 (10)
Forewing with first cross-line forming a conspicuous whitish curve at dorsum, sometimes markings indistinct. Abdomen with anal tuft (male) or tip (female) concolorous with rest abdomen
15.0-25.0mm. Mid May to August and early September. Forewing dark greyish brown with two whitish cross-lines, second weakly indentated above middle and on fold; two blackish discal spots. Labial palpus greyish brown, rather slender.
Forewing with first cross-line without conspicuous whitish curve at dorsum. Abdomen with yellowish or whitish tip (female) or anal tuft (male)
15.0-18.0mm. June to early September. Forewing greyish brown marked; two indistinct whitish cross-lines and two obscure, dark discal spots. Labial palpus in male with terminal segment yellowish, laterally flattened and with two scale-teeth. Labial palpus in female greyish brown and slender.
12 (10)
Forewing ashy grey with two faint whitish grey cross-lines. Labial palpus with third segment one third of second
19.0-28.0mm. Alien. From March to June (in Great Britain to September). Colour forewing variable, sometimes whitish (f. pyralella Vaughan); two indistinct discal dots; cross-lines basally edged darker, first indentated near dorsum, second serrulate. Hindwing subhyaline, nacreous.
Forewing brownish grey with two distinct whitish cross-lines. Labial palpus with third segment one fifth of second
13 (12)
Forewing with first cross-line whitish, straight, oblique; second line parallel to termen, serrate
17.0-21.0mm. Mid May to early October. Forewing dark brownish grey with two obscurely indicated discal dots.
Forewing with first cross-line whitish, curving distad from costa, reaching dorsum at right angles, second line obliquely sinuate, dentate
11.0-20.0mm. May and June (Southern Europe). Forewing brownish grey with one or two transversely placed black discal dots.
14 (9)
Forewing with first pale transverse line straight, not curved or angled; basal area ochreous, somewhat reddish orange
Forewing with first pale transverse line curved or angled; basal area reddish black, purplish or purplish brown
15 (14)
Forewing with first white transverse line followed by a thick transverse ridge of raised reddish scales. Midleg with tarsus pale red outside
19.0-23.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing predominantly reddish brown with two transverse whitish lines, first conspicuous, oblique, straight, bent towards base beneath costa, second indistinct; two dark, obliquely placed discal dots.
Forewing with first whitish transverse line followed by a broad dark transverse band of normal, appressed scales. Midleg with tarsus reddish brown outside
19.0-24.0mm. Mid June to mid August. Forewing predominantly reddish brown with two transverse, whitish lines, first conspicuous, oblique, straight, second rather distinct; two dark, obliquely placed discal spots.
16 (14)
Forewing with first cross-line not reaching costa, angled at middle, widening dorsally to form a conspicuous oblong or triangular white patch
16.0-21.0mm. Early June to mid August. Forewing reddish black with slender whitish cross-lines, first reaching dorsum at right angles, second weakly sinuate, edged dark red, not bifurcate; both dark discal dots usually touching or fused.
Forewing with first pale cross-line reaching to costa, sinuate or angled at one quarter from costa or less, not widening dorsally to a conspicuous white patch
17 (16)
Forewing with first pale cross-line more or less curved, not angled, bifurcate
Forewing with first pale cross-line angled at one quarter from costa or less, for the rest straight, not bifurcate
18 (17)
Forewing with upper dark discal dot more basally than lower one
17.0-23.0mm. Early July to mid September. Forewing silvery grey, irrorate ferruginous or dark reddish brown, basal area reddish black; transverse lines slender, light grey, twice sinuate between middle and dorsum, bifurcate (preceded by a light grey line joining it near costa), second transverse line bluish grey, edged reddish on both sides.
Forewing with dark discal dots transversely placed
18.0-24.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing silvery grey, irrorate reddish, becoming darker towards costa; basal area grey, purplish near dorsum; transverse lines slender, whitish, first slightly curved, bifurcate (preceded by a narrow white line, joining it in middle), second sinuate.
19 (17)
Forewing with dark outward edging of first pale cross-line widened towards costa to a broad, distinct, triangular spot
19.0-21.0mm. July, August. Forewing pale greyish with rather faint violet sheen, suffused brownish towards dorsum and termen; second cross-line sinuate; dark markings brownish with reddish sheen; discal spots distinct.
Forewing with dark outward edging of first pale cross-line not conspicuously widened towards costa
20 (19)
Forewing with first pale cross-line edged black outwardly, followed by dark greyish brown, fading into ground colour. Small species, 17.0-20.0mm
Mid June to late August. Forewing grey with a reddish, sometimes purplish sheen, basal area pale grey; two pale cross-lines; two dark discal spots, lower about two times larger than upper spot; termen with dark dots more or less fused or partly absent.
Forewing with first pale cross-line edged blackish brown outwardly, followed by ochreous brown, fading into ground colour. Larger species, 20.0-24.0mm
Late June, July. Forewing grey, tinged slightly reddish brown, sprinkled whitish in central area; two pale cross-lines; two dark discal spots, lower about three times larger than upper spot; termen with a series of distinct dark dots.
21 (6)
Forewing without transverse lines
Forewing never wholly black.
Forewing with two transverse lines (occasionally one), sometimes less distinct or incomplete
Occasionally forewing wholly black.
22 (21)
Forewing with costal half purplish red or pinky, dorsal half yellow, with a narrow costal streak
25.0-32.0mm. Early July to early September. Forewing with narrow white costal streak occasionally absent.
Forewing glossy dark grey with shining greenish or pale yellowish longitudinal streaks
26.0-29.0mm. Late June to early September.
23 (21)
Forewing and cilia from dark grey through blackish brown to blackish, without reddish, brown or ochreous areas
Forewing predominantly tinged brown, ochreous, reddish or greyish
24 (23)
Head with at least frons white or yellowish white, in female occasionally mixed ochreous
18.0-22.0mm. June and July. Forewing blackish with indistinct markings.
Frons and vertex black or blackish brown
25 (24)
Forewing black with markings obsolete or absent
Melanistic form. Markings of forewing, which may be visible, are two pale transverse lines and the pale discal spot. See couplet 29.
Forewing with markings distinct, sometimes less conspicuous, but not obsolete
26 (25)
Forewing blackish with first transverse line broad, straight, oblique, white, second grey, indistinct
18.0-22.0mm. Late May to late August. Forewing without dark discal spot.
Forewing brownish black with transverse lines greyish, first sinuate, not wider or more distinct than second
Forewing with dark discal spot double.
27 (26)
Forewing with broad transverse ridge of raised blackish scales before first pale transverse line, anteriorly obscurely whitish-edged. Labial palp short and thick, length of second segment less than two times its width
21.0-27.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with the two transverse lines grey.
Forewing without transverse ridge of raised scales. Labial palp rather slender, length of second segment at least three times its width
21.0-28.0mm. Mid May to mid September. The two transverse lines of forewing grey.
28 (23)
Forewing with discal spot kidney-shaped, pale: white, whitish or grey
Forewing with one or two dark discal spots of different shape, not kidney-shaped
Forewing occasionally with dark discal spots, contiguous with dark median blotch.
29 (28)
Forewing with discal spot grey, not sharply contrasting with dark grey ground colour; basal area greyish, not or hardly mixed with reddish brown or ochreous
19.0-30.0mm. Early June to early August. Forewing with both transverse lines greyish, second one beneath large angle pointing outwards with two additional smaller ones in dorsal half. See couplet 25.
Forewing with discal spot white or whitish, sharply contrasting with dark grey ground colour; basal area greyish, strongly mixed with reddish brown or ochreous
30 (29)
Forewing with the pale grey discal spot mid-way between the pale grey transverse lines; second transverse line beneath large angle pointing outwards without or only with weak additional dentation
28.0-35.0mm. Late June to early October.
Forewing with the white or whitish discal spot placed closer to second transverse line than to first; second transverse line beneath large angle pointing outwards with two additional smaller ones or dentated throughout
31 (30)
Forewing with first pale transverse line widened towards costa to a more or less trapezoid spot, outward dark edging reaching costa at an angle of 45°
21.0-28.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing with area between transverse lines often darker than basal and terminal areas; discal spot and transverse lines pure white.
Forewing with first pale transverse line not notably widened towards costa, outward dark edging at right angles to costa
23.0-34.0mm. Mid June to early September. Forewing with discal spot and transverse lines pale greyish white, slightly silvery.
32 (28)
Forewing violet brown, costal half for the greater part irrorate white; transverse lines reddish
22.0-28.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing with first transverse line black-edged on both sides, second black-edged basally; discal spot black, crescentic or shaped like an inverted T.
Forewing coloured otherwise, usually brown, reddish brown or ochreous; transverse lines white, whitish, grey or brown, sometimes indistinct
33 (32)
Forewing dark reddish brown with a narrow yellowish or whitish streak, not reaching to apex and a broader dorsal streak of similar colour, terminating before tornus
21.0-26.0mm. July and August. Forewing with two narrow white transverse lines, the second not reaching costa; discal spots small.
Forewing without longitudinal pale streaks along costa and dorsum
34 (33)
Forewing suffused blackish or dark reddish brown, at least in basal half
Forewing with pale areas from base
35 (34)
Forewing with basal half dark reddish brown and blackish; generally a greyish first transverse line present, usually preceded by a greyish, more or less triangular fascia
23.0-30.0mm. Mid June to early October. Forewing with second transverse line brown; discal spot double; in very dark specimens wing pattern almost lost.
Forewing with basal quarter usually tinged faintly reddish brown, distal three quarters rather unicolorous dark greyish brown with more or less obsolete transverse lines
22.0-25.0mm. Late May to early August. Common dark form. Forewing with two discal spots, but indistinct or invisible. See couplet 38.
36 (34)
Forewing reddish brown or ochreous with the transverse lines indistinct, whitish or greyish, the first one rather distinct in dorsal half, not preceded by a dark fascia
23.0-28.0mm. Early July to late August. Forewing with discal spot double.
Forewing with distinct pale transverse lines, first one preceded by dark fascia
37 (36)
Forewing with distance between base and first transverse line about two times distance between first and second transverse line (measured along dorsum)
18.0-23.0mm. Late May to mid August. Forewing coloured red and grey; first transverse line preceded by a large, wedge-shaped blackish blotch, broadest at costa, second edged dark on both sides; discal mark transverse, blackish.
Forewing with distance between base and first transverse line approximately equal to distance between first and second transverse line (measured along dorsum)
38 (37)
Forewing with blackish suffusion concentrated in two broad transverse fasciae at both sides of first transverse line
22.0-25.0mm. Late May to early August. Rest of forewing pale greyish brown; transverse lines whitish or pale greyish; two indistinct dark discal spots. See couplet 35.
Forewing with first transverse line broadly edged or suffused blackish inwardly, outwardly narrowly edged (often partly visible) particularly in dorsal half , in costal half followed by dark suffusion, extending towards apex or also narrowly edged
39 (38)
Forewing with basal area grey, often mixed ochreous reddish; first pale transverse line narrowly edged brownish black outwardly, not followed by dark suffusion in costal half and not interrupted
20.0-24.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing with distal two-thirds predominantly greyish; transverse lines pale greyish, first with costal third obscured, second distinct, fine, edged dark at both sides; two dark discal spots.
Forewing with basal area bright pale brownish red or brick-red; first pale transverse line in dorsal half narrowly edged brownish black outwardly (sometimes interrupted), in costal half followed by broader or narrower dark suffusion, extending towards apex
40 (39)
Forewing with basal area bright pale brownish red; first pale transverse line with costal third obscured by dark suffusion; two indistinct dark discal spots
20.0-26.0mm. Late May to late August. Forewing with distal two-thirds pale brownish red; transverse lines whitish or pale greyish, second narrowly edged dark.
Forewing with basal area bright pale brick-red; first pale transverse line near costa obscured by dark suffusion, interrupted; discal spots fused
15.0mm. July. Forewing with blackish brown outward edging of first pale fascia followed by pale brick-red fascia, not reaching costa; dorsal half of wing greyish reddish brown; transverse lines whitish, second indistinctly edged brownish grey at both sides.
41 (1)
Proboscis obsolete
16.0-28.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing pale yellowish to reddish ochreous, often with paler costal streak; usually two indistinct dark transversely placed discal spots.
Proboscis present, well-developed
42 (41)
Labial palp porrected or slightly descending
Porrected labial palp sometimes slightly ascending.
Labial palp ascending, second segment more or less curved upwards
43 (41)
Forewing with basal area pale coloured, generally whitish ochreous, rest of wing dark coloured, generally purplish ferruginous with dark irroration
See couplet 50.
Forewing without this characteristic coloration
44 (43)
Smaller species, 12.0-18.0mm. Early July to mid August. Forewing brownish grey with two oblique, straight white fasciae before middle and a whitish transverse line beyond middle
Early July to mid August. Forewing with both fasciae before middle edged dark distally, transverse line beyond middle edged dark basally; discal spot double.
Larger species, 18.0-33.0mm. Forewing before middle with one pale transverse line, sometimes indistinct
45 (44)
Larger species, 25.0-33.0mm. Late March to early June. Forewing with first pale transverse line broadly and conspicuously edged distally with blackish grey
Forewing pale grey, dorsal half somewhat darker; both transverse lines white or whitish; two transversely placed dark discal spots.
Smaller species, 18.0-25.0mm. Forewing with first pale transverse line not edged dark distally
46 (45)
Forewing with first pale transverse line not reaching costa, preceded on dorsum by brown blotch, outwardly dark-edged
18.0-22.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing grey or brownish; transverse lines pale grey, second dark-edged inwardly; two dark discal spots, transversely placed. See couplet 58.
Forewing with first pale transverse line reaching costa, not preceded on dorsum by dark brown blotch, edged distally by three blackish dots
20.0-25.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing varying from whitish grey through sandy white to pale brick-red with a paler costal streak; transverse lines whitish; two transversely placed discal dots. See couplet 58.
47 (42)
Labial palp with terminal segment approximately of equal length as second segment
Labial palp with terminal segment distinctly shorter than second segment
48 (47)
Forewing with two white transverse lines
16.0-22.0mm. Mid June to mid August. Forewing brown; first transverse line straight, oblique (from one fourth of costa to middle of dorsum), second also straight, nearly parallel to termen; discal spot white, dark-edged basally and costally.
Forewing with first pale transverse line absent, second indistinct
14.0-16.5mm. Mid June to late July. Forewing dark greyish brown, somewhat glossy; dark discal spot present. Labial palp yellowish. In male underside forewing yellowish near base; hindwing with costa emarginate before middle.
49 (47)
Forewing with first pale transverse line preceded by a thick erect bar of blackish raised scales from dorsum to shortly beyond middle of wing
19.0-25.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing greyish ochreous, mixed reddish ochreous; first transverse line faintly paler than ground colour, edged reddish, second line obscure; discal spot absent.
Forewing without bar of blackish raised scales
50 (48)
Forewing with basal area pale coloured, generally whitish ochreous, rest of wing dark coloured, generally purplish, ferruginous, with dark irroration
14.0-22.0mm. Throughout the year (indoors). Forewing with transverse lines obscure, leaden-coloured; discal spot pale, obsolete. See couplet 43.
Forewing without this characteristic coloration
51 (50)
Forewing somewhat glossy blackish brown; between both pale transverse lines a large, whitish costal blotch, containing the two dark discal spots
18.0-25.0. Late May to early August. Forewing with transverse lines white, first oblique.
Forewing without pale costal blotch between both transverse lines
52 (51)
Forewing with vein 9 present. Hindwing with vein 8 well developed, approximately half length of common stalk of veins 7 and 8 or more
Forewing generally brown, pale brown or reddish, with white markings or brown with blackish brown markings.
Forewing with vein 9 absent. Hindwing with vein 8 very short, less than one third of length of common stalk of veins 7 and 8
Forewing pale ochreous, whitish towards costa or greyish.
53 (52)
Forewing with basal half blackish or dark brown, wholly or for the greater part
Forewing with basal half not predominantly dark
54 (53)
Smaller species, 15.0-20.0mm. Forewing with basal half wholly dark brown
Late June to early September. Forewing beyond dark basal half ochreous yellow; beyond middle two pale transverse lines, edged dark on both sides; discal spot absent.
Larger species, 22.0-28.0mm. Forewing with blackish basal half traversed by an indistinct ochreous, subbasal line and a paler first transverse line
Late May to early October. Forewing beyond dark basal half pale brownish ochreous; second pale transverse line edged dark on both sides; discal spot absent.
55 (53)
Forewing with first pale transverse line strongly dentated, forming the letter Z (on left wing), its width more than one third of costa; discal spots absent
22.0-30.0 mm. Alien. Forewing pale brown irrorate reddish brown; transverse lines edged reddish brown on both sides, preceded in middle by a round purplish brown cloud.
Forewing with first pale transverse line complete and sinuate, interrupted or not reaching to costa; two discal spots present
Forewing with transverse lines whitish or pale grey.
56 (55)
Forewing brownish ochreous, suffused reddish, or ferruginous
Forewing whitish grey, greyish brown or pale brick-red
57 (56)
Forewing with both transverse lines interrupted or complete
16.0-23.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing ferruginous mixed crimson, costal half mixed whitish; two discal spots black, transversely placed, sometimes white-edged.
Forewing with first transverse line reduced to three or four longitudinal whitish dots, second usually complete, nearly straight
18.0-26.0mm. July. Forewing less pronounced reddish, more brownish ochreous, suffused reddish; two discal spots blackish, transversely placed, white-edged.
58 (56)
Forewing with first pale transverse line not reaching to costa, preceded on dorsum by dark brown blotch, outwardly dark-edged
See couplet 45.
Forewing with first pale transverse line reaching to costa, not preceded on dorsum by dark brown blotch, edged distally by three blackish dots
See couplet 45.
59 (52)
Labial palp ascending and distinctly curved; length second segment two to three times length third. Forewing with vein 5 absent; first pale transverse line present, occasionally indistinct
Antenna of male without notch above scape. Forewing generally greyish with two paler transverse lines.
Labial palp ascending obliquely, segments two and three in line or nearly so; length second segment one to two times length third. Forewing with vein 5 present (stalked with vein 4); first pale transverse line absent
Antenna of male with conspicuous notch above scape. Forewing generally pale ochreous, whitish towards costa or greyish; a notable exception is Homoeosoma sinuella, which has the forewing ochreous with two reddish brown fasciae. To this alternative belongs also Homoeosoma nimbella in which vein 5 of forewing is absent.
60 (59)
Forewing with first pale transverse line extending vertically from dorsum or almost so, sometimes first transverse line indistinct
Forewing with first pale transverse line extending from dorsum at an angle distinctly less than 90 o, first transverse line distinct
61 (60)
Forewing with first pale transverse line nearly straight, sometimes indistinct; dark brownish grey, often somewhat reddish
13.0-21.0mm. Throughout the year (indoors). Forewing with second pale transverse line indented above middle, sometimes indistinct; two indistinct dark, transversely placed discal spots. Hindwing subhyaline.
Forewing with first pale transverse line extending almost vertically from dorsum, then bending outwardly above middle to meet costa obliquely, usually indistinct, sometimes obsolete; pale grey, somewhat yellowish
15.0-20.0mm. Alien. Forewing with second pale transverse line indented at one quarter from costa, often indistinct; two indistinct dark, transversely placed discal spots.
62 (60)
Forewing with second pale transverse line serrate and strongly indented near costa, reaching costa at an angle of 30 o
17.0-28.0mm. Throughout the year (indoors). Forewing grey, irrorated whitish and sprinkled dark greyish brown; first pale transverse line angled and strongly indented at dorsum, often rather obscure; two blackish transversely placed discal spots, often fused. Forms with nearly unicolorous greyish forewings occur.
Forewing with second pale transverse line sinuate or indented near costa, reaching to costa at an angle exceeding 45 o
Forewing with both pale transverse lines less indented.
63 (62)
Forewing with second pale transverse line strongly indented near costa. Generally larger species, 17.0-25.0mm
Alien. Forewing brownish or greyish, often somewhat yellowish; two dark, transversely placed indistinct discal spots, occasionally fused.
Forewing with second pale transverse line nearly straight or weakly sinuate, occasionally strongly sinuate, but not indented. Generally smaller species, 11.5-20.0mm
64 (63)
Forewing with distance (at dorsum) between base and first pale transverse line about equal to distance between both transverse lines
13.0-20.0mm. June to September (in Britain). Forewing grey, somewhat yellowish, sometimes suffused reddish on base of dorsum and on termen; transverse lines distinctly edged dark: first line distally, second in particular inwardly; two transversely placed dark discal spots.
Forewing with distance (at dorsum) between base and first pale transverse line shorter than the distance between both lines
11.5-18.5mm. Late May to early October with peak emergence from June to August (outdoors). Forewing brownish grey, sometimes suffused reddish in dorsal area. Melanistic forms occur. First pale transverse line distinctly edged blackish grey outwardly, inwardly edged faintly, second line edged at both sides, edging of both lines sometimes less distinct; two transversely placed dark discal spots, often indistinct.
65 (59)
Forewing pale ochreous with two broad, irregular reddish brown fasciae, sometimes interrupted
16.0-23.0mm. Late May to early August. In forewing pale transverse lines and dark spots absent.
Forewing without reddish brown fasciae; first dark transverse line reduced to three, occasionally two dark spots
66 (65)
Forewing with the dark spots representing first transverse line nearly half-way from wing base to termen
21.0-26.0mm. July and August. Forewing with dorsal two-thirds greyish white, somewhat ochreous with a paler costal area distinctly narrower than the pale costal area in similar species; dark spots representing first transverse line faint, elongate, the uppermost usually absent. Hindwing subhyaline.
Forewing with the dark spots representing first transverse line at most at one third from wing base to termen
67 (66)
Forewing with the three blackish spots representing the first transverse line placed in an oblique straight line (middle and costal spots frequently fused)
18.0-26.0mm. Late May to mid August. Forewing whitish, dorsal half and terminal area pale brown.
Forewing with the three dark spots representing first transverse line not placed in an oblique straight line, the middle usually furthest from base of wing
68 (67)
Forewing with vein 5 absent, sometimes weak, occasionally branching from vein 4 beyond four-fifth
16.0-22.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing with dorsal half greyish brown, somewhat ochreous; costal half chalk-white, usually with a narrow dark costal streak; wing with scattered dark scales; spots representing first dark transverse line elongate, placed as in Phycitodes albatella; discal dots elongate.
Forewing with vein 5 present, branching from vein 4
69 (68)
From the dark spots representing first transverse line in forewing (sometimes indistinct) median spot distinctly closer to termen
14.0-19.0mm. Early May to early September. Forewing yellowish grey, costal half of wing white; dark scaling concentrated on veins, forming longitudinal streaks (occasionally fused with dark spots representing first transverse line); of discal dots the uppermost distinctly smaller.
From the dark spots representing first transverse line in forewing median and lowermost spots equidistant from base or median spot slightly closer to base; both discal dots usually approximately of equal size
70 (69)
Forewing relatively broad, length costa at most 3.5 times greatest width of wing. Generally larger species, 15.0-21.0 mm
15.0-21.0 mm. Mid May to early September. Forewing with vein 5 branching from vein 4 beyond one-half and before four-fifth; dorsal half pale yellowish grey, costal half whitish, with scattered dark scales; both discal dots distinct, the uppermost distinctly smaller.
Forewing relatively narrow, length costa more than 3.5 times greatest width of wing. Generally smaller species, 13.0-18.0 mm
Forewing with vein 5 branching from vein 4 before one-half.
71 (70)
Forewing with costal half usually grey. Frons with flat cone of hair-scales
13.0-17.0mm. Late May to late August. Forewing with dark scaling concentrated on veins, forming elongated streaks; discal dots small, of equal size.
Forewing with costal half greyish white. Frons with strong frontal cone of hair-scales, often lost in worn specimens
15.0-18.0mm. Early June to late August. Forewing with dark scaling on veins, forming long streaks; both discal dots of equal size, often less distinct.

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